Friday, August 13, 2004

We are keeping our fingers crossed .....

Jake, Ann and I hope to take Dad on his first trip to the "farm" in almost 4 months! We hope to pick him up and drive him around Saturday morning, if all holds together. He has been excited about it for days. It has been raining a bit lately this summer and on the sunny days I have been able to put up hay for the cattle. Rainy days are "repair" days. I have been able to "spruce" up things a bit so we hope he likes what he sees. We know he wants to pet his dog, Spot. And see his cattle. He has really been doing very well, and is really progressing fast. He keeps saying.."I want to go home. By working hard, I think I can". He can walk with his own walker instead of the center's big walker now, and just goes right along. He is gaining his balance and is able to set up unassisted some. Long way from flat on his back and not saying a word. Now he talks our leg off if given a chance!! And he leads the conversation. He is so grateful to have some great therapists, especially Joseph and Melody. Especially Melody. She keeps him in the right positive attitude, and is working with him so he can stand up from a sitting position again, so he can go and visit folks... She tells him to NOT use the "lift" chair, and to learn to do it without assistance, and then shows him how!!
And he enjoys the food, still cleaning up his plate. Will report more as it happens ... With a report on tomorrow's outing after noon tomorrow. Will try to get some pictures of him too...
later.. Stan