Sunday, July 31, 2005

I published this copy of an article from the Daily Oklahoman from August 5th, 1952... It is Uncle Calvin and Aunt Agnes Siegrist wedding announcement .... and as they say ... "the rest is history!" Just wanted to wish them a very Happy Wedding Anniversary. They were married on August 1st, 1952 at Mt. Zion Church, El Reno.... Happy Anniversary Uncle Calvin and Aunt Agnes, and may you have many many more wonderful anniversaries together...  Posted by Picasa

I put this here because it mentions Uncle Calvin going on a double date with Carl.... with Aunt Agnes and Louise.... kind of cool... Carl and Louise are life long friend of the Moffat's.... and Siegrist families... Posted by Picasa

What a very special and wonderful lady Mrs. Robinson is.... family friend for many wonderful years! And yes, she will get it done.. she is our community.... get'er dun lady.... Posted by Picasa