Sunday, March 29, 2009

Ann and I had company overnight Sat/Sun ....

Andrew and Madison spent the night with us Sat night while their Mom and Dad went fishing at Miami, OK. It was a blast... Aunt Trisha helped us out and we were glad... We all had a ball, and Trisha and Madison got really good on the Wii Fitness Board.

Andrew found the and had a ball playing kids games online with the headset on Grandpa's big laptop...

and we had the short effects of a winter blizzard but it was all gone Sunday and Sunday night the low was in the 50's.... but the effects of the cold weather killed off all the tomatoe and pepper plants we had put out. We had only planted part of them, just in case.. haha... but the radishs, snow peas, spinach and lettuce.... are all coming on great.. will have to see in a few weeks what else it effected..

have a great day... beware, if you are a boss or own a business, Obama might fire you next..!

Andrew gaming....

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Stan Moffat