Thursday, May 22, 2008

lookie who came to visit

show calf for Field's daughter

all cleaned up

from Heather

With gas prices going up, up, up, a friend of mine purchased a new form of transportation, a made in Oklahoma MOTORCYCLE....


got a neat chuckle from Cousin Joanna Wilson....

The Purina Diet

I have 2 large dogs, and was buying a large bag of Purina at Wal-Mart and was in line to check out.

The woman behind me asked if I had a dog?


On impulse, I told her no, I was starting The Purina Diet again.

Although I probably shouldn't because I'd ended up in the hospital the last time. But I'd lost 50 pounds before I awakened in an intensive care ward with tubes everywhere and IVs in both arms.

I told her that it was essentially a perfect diet and the way it works is to load your pockets with Purina nuggets and simply eat one or two every time you feel hungry. The food is nutritionally complete so I was going to try it again

I have to mention here that practically everyone in line was now enthralled with my story, particularly a tall guy who was standing behind her.

Horrified, she asked if I ended up in intensive care because the dog food poisoned me?

I told her no, I'd been sitting in the street licking my butt and a car hit me.

I thought the guy standing behind her was going to need help as he staggered to the door laughing

Monday, May 19, 2008

Heather .... this is for you... hehehe

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Happy Mothers Day late to Ann .... we had a great late Mothers Day for her yesterday....

It was awesome. Had all the grandkiddos... and three of our four kiddos and spouses..... and Great grandmother and great Aunt MK too....

and Bobby... The corn did GREAT, just like you said it would!!! thanks...

Happy Mothers Day Cathrene Ann Moffat .... and many many more...

Here is Ann, Trisha and her daughter Isabella, and Madison Ann Blankinship


Friday, May 16, 2008

did you see... have you found...

Austyn's baseball photos...???? click here on the photos to go and see more...

Oh my goodness....

more things happening than I can shake a stick at. I starting spraying the big bad thistles yesterday and need to finish up spraying them. The garden needs hoeing, the yard needs sprayed and fertilized and mowed, the home needs cleaned up, the roadside needs mowed, and we have a house full of family coming on Sunday, so we need to make a trip to Grocery Store, and to Atwoods to get Chicken feed for the babies... and some things we need for the weekend, I need to shop for Ann (I guess, huh, since Sunday is for her.. haha... oh my guess I had better get busy!) Lots to do... I guess we have some extra help to get ready for Sunday... starting now... Heather and Paul are going fishing and camping out this weekend.... and we have the kiddos coming to stay. Ann just got a call to run to Andrew's school and pick him up because he got sick to his stomach... so I guess we are off to the races... I guess Madison and Andrew are staying with us till Sunday night.... Wow, how cool to be Grandparents!!! The very best things that happen in our lives happen because of our wonderful family. How richly blessed Ann and I are!

Hope everyone has a great weekend! I know we will!

I promise Dad and Mom, I will drive safely. see... here I am practicing driving my new corvette you will get me when I am 16... my left foot is on

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on the gas and my left hand is on the wheel and I am checking my rear view mirror... so can I have my vette soon????? ah... come on daddieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Isabella has just discovered e=mc2.... or something close to it... the bulb has went off...

Posted by Picasa I am using my tongue... come on folks...

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ok more like it... food is on the WAY

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well maybe not quite fast enough.. where is my food... i think i am dying... but Grandpa, you said you would bring me food...

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HOT DOG... food is on the way... hehe

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you want to bring me some dinner .... or not???

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who won??? hehe

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Sign of the times....

My youngest son Jacob... Jake has a welding business. Moffat Welding LLC and he is working for Goober Drilling in Stillwater, OK. and is helping them repair a bunch of rigs as they change location. They will start building new rigs later in the late summer of early fall. He just filled up his truck with diesel and his welding machine and it cost 198.00 to do so, and this is his fuel bill for one week. Can you imagine that what it would be if he lived further than 2 miles to work? So of the other welders drive from OKC and other places daily to work... wow... and Jake's truck only goes to location and back, not one extra trip. This is up about 75.00 over where it was a year and half ago when he was in Woodward working with Billy Keys working for Bronco Drilling.

This is indeed a sign of the times... This Sunday we are all getting together to celebrate Mother's Day with Ann who was traveling last weekend... This might be our last time to do such as a family this summer ~ with the price of fuel being what it is... Doesn't take a nat's brain to figure out what these types of prices are doing to the family budget. Most folks are not taking vacations, or if they do, are taking them very close to home... less eating out, most restaurants are telling us this. Tires are out of site, oil changes have about doubled, car sales are lagging, and this is just the start...

but on a nice note... last evening Isabella came over for Ann and I to watch while Jake and Trisha helped Jake's team (He is a coach in little league in Perkins) have a game. We did not get to go to Stillwater and watch the grandson's like we had planned, but ... it was a nice trade off. She is such a sweet little girl... she is now starting to hold her head up and look around and pay attention to noises, etc. and lets you know when things are not quite right... haha...

have a great day.... s