Thursday, July 27, 2006

Grandma Moffat with her two precious granddaughters... Posted by Picasa

Getting ready to BLOW.... Posted by Picasa

Birthday boy opening presents with help of his Mom... Posted by Picasa

Fixin burgers before we head to Andrew's Birthday party at Paul and Heathers... Posted by Picasa

wonder who's home this is?? Posted by Picasa

Baby says... no way am I turning around..... haha... Posted by Picasa

kind'a cool shot of Shulta calves north side of our place at Perkins. Posted by Picasa

Uncle Mike's new ride..... Posted by Picasa

The dying.... Posted by Picasa

Some different thistles blooming in the midst of a lot of dead ones of another variety.... Posted by Picasa

see the coyote besides the bale of hay... there were two of them on this morning walk... Posted by Picasa

Some hidden beauty... Posted by Picasa

Sometimes there is beauty in the strangest places.....  Posted by Picasa

can you feel the awesome power building when you look up and see the clouds boiling up??....  Posted by Picasa

Some really awesome clouds yesterday and I was playing around.... Posted by Picasa

Madison Ann and Grandpa Moffat playing before school this am. Madison stayed over since Andrew had his tonsils out yesterday and Mom and Dad felt like they might have their hands full with him overnight... we had a ball.... Posted by Picasa