Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Got a great note from Ward Shaklee.... and Melanie...

I was not sure that I have posted this photo from Ward and Melanie Shaklee, Melborne, Florida. This is Ann's younger brother and wife. They are a very neat couple, and live toooooo far away... we miss them and think of them often. We received a note from them and I wanted to post it ....

Ward writes:
Thanks, looking forward to looking at some pictures when I had more hair. ........

I came down with a bronchial viral infection before Thanksgiving and ended up missing a few days of work. Dr put me on Z-pack, and went thru two and half prescriptions, then was put on a penicillian antibiotic for eight days when the doctor finally concluded it was viral and not bacterial. Think my traveling between Thanksgiving and Christmas didn't help the recover timeline, and then ended up giving it to Melanie around the 22nd of Dec. We were both down thru the who holiday period and didn't go out except to get more Robitussion and other medications. We felt like real medicine-heads. Just starting to get better and Melanie is about two weeks behind my recovery, she has been better about resting to recover.

Felt like we did not really have a vacation period since we were sick the whole time. Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and best wishes for a Happy and Prosperous New Year. Headed to DC tomorrow afternoon for some meetings with the Army and Navy on two of our programs.

Let us know how everyone is doing .................

Take care and thanks for staying in touch.

Best wishes,
Ward and Melanie

Wonder if it's colder in Norman than what the air temp says????? goodness, geeze..... OU must have never left the airport to go to Bowl...

Here is a one time treat for everyone!! This is, back row, Mom's brother Calvin and Agnes Siegrist of El Reno, yours truly, Elinore Mae Siegrist Moffat and Oscar... Mom and Dad, and in the front with my Grandparents Jake Siegrist and Maude Clifton Snethen Siegrist is ... L to R my nephews Kent and David Siegrist and me sis.. Marilyn Kay Moffat. Probably taken around 1963 - 1964 time period.

Well, the ice is here, roads getting bad, ground turning white. Lots of rain overnight. Now it's in the 20's as the moisture falls and weights down the electric lines, and tree limbs. Poor animals...

I wonder if it's colder in Norman, with OU football team returning there today.. could be REALLY cold there, hummmmm.....

Heather went to work this morning, called about 7 and told me to get Ann on her way if she was coming... but before Ann could leave, the University closed down. It is really bad when OSU closed down.. really bad!!!

Mom is ok. Said nothing is froze up or not working. That's good for everyone!!

All for now.. have a great day!!!

Got a note from Ward and Melanie and will post it later today.... Really great to hear from them!!

off to the racessssssssssssssssss......

Jake is taking a vacation from music now, but for those of you who have not seen him live.. here is photo of him playing the Wormy Dog Saloon, in Bricktown, OKC. He enjoys his music and is a truly talented song writer. But I think that 5 nights plus a week for three years wore him out!!

Today's Quote....

Today's Quote

It isn't the mountain ahead that wears you out – it's the grain of sand in your shoe.

-Robert Service