Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Where or where did the Sooners go???

They sure did not go to the Orange Bowl.....!!!

Well, here we set waiting for OU to win and the ICE to start forming... yuck!!

This is really not what we had in mind on the night of the big OU game. But maybe it is an omen!! Maybe Hell will freeze over and OU will in big time.. and the ice will not come.... oh what a great thought!!
But at this writing, Michael has already called Ann and told her that all the family up there around Jet has lost electric, with it going off about 3:20pm this afternoon due to heavy icing of the power lines. He and Jerry Ray went over to Aunt Mert's and hooked up her generator so she would have electricity anyway.
So rock on.. and Let's go Sooners.. make us proud!! (like we are not... haha!)
How 'bout OSU hiring from within?!! Can not believe it, but anyway... looks like the same ole good ole boys are running things and keeping it, whatever that is, in the family!!! Just wished they would have looked around... but that is only one opinion of many.. haha.. time will tell...

Jake caught me .... yelp, with Kaitlyn taking nap. She is sooooooo cooooool!!

And you thought the election was tough...... haha....

Clipping of the Day

From The Ohio Repository (Canton, Ohio), 04 January 1838, page 3:


On Monday, the 4th instant, a member upon the floor of the Arkansas House of Representatives having thrown out some allusion personal towards the Speaker, that personage sprang from the Chair with a drawn Bowie Knife, and laid the offender dead at his feet. The murdered member, before he received his death wound, almost severed the hands of the Speaker from his arm, and severely cut the other hand. The Speaker was forthwith arrested by the civil authorities, and his name stricken from the roll of the House, by a nearly unanimous vote. He is pronounced "an amiable gentleman." We are not aware of the standard of amiability in Arkansas.---Journal & Register.

Today's Quote

Today's Quote

The best way to knock the chip off your neighbor's shoulder is to pat him on the back.
