Saturday, August 14, 2004

We made it!!

We made it.....!!!!
Jake and I went to Westhaven and picked up Dad and took him out for over two hours this am, from 9am to 11:15am.
We had a blast! Dad was happy and loved seeing the land, his dog and cattle. He fed his dog Spot a couple of bones, saw Mom a bit, and rode out into his pasture and was amongst the cattle for a bit.
He seemed to take the trip in stride and was a bit choked up during his trip back, mentioning that the problem with the ride was the returning to Westhaven.
But overall, he seems happy there and talked a lot about the folks who work there and how nice they are and what all they do for him, etc. He was ready to get back, as he needed to take care of business ... eating and going to bathroom. And unlike a dad of a few short weeks ago, he was hungry and ready to eat!!
The ladies there helped us get Dad into Marilyn's buggy and out upon returning, and think the trip was good for him as well. He is hoping to walk some this afternoon if the help arrives to help him.
He still has a stiff neck and seems to be a bit stiff all over, probably from being in bed so long. I can not believe he can even remember how to walk!!
Besides going by his home and land we made it to Marilyn's, and our home, and then by Phil and Tammy's and then over by Heather and Paul's to see their Boer Goats, that were all laying around the remains of a big bale of hay.
It was such a cool and nice day out, and at one point Dad even remarked how wonder the air smelled!!!
All for now, will try to keep all posted as time goes on.
By the way, at this writing we have not heard yet from Ann's brother Ward Shaklee, who with wife Melanie live in Melborne, Florida, nor have we heard from our Niece Cortney who lives in Orlando, or Cortney's mom who lives in Tampa, Florida. We hope and pray all are safe and doing ok, and trust if they are not, they will let us know what they need to help them...