Some super bowl game huh? Regardless of the outcome, one truly feels the millionaire's playing the game truly were working for a change on both sides.... but I remember the first one and I was amazed that grown men played that hard, and now looking back I really am amazed by that first game - very little padding and protection - no points for style - and very little pay compared to today, and I swear, they played every bit as hard and with a great degree of determination because they loved the game.
Jake, Trisha and Isabella dropped in and watched most of the game with us. And for those of you who know Jake, he actually watched some of it.. haha...
On another subject, I am not sure if our new President realizes he is indeed the newly elected PRESIDENT OF THE USA. I know it's cool to dress down, but I am here to tell you one thing. I expect those I seek guidance from, or leadership from, or whom hold offices I respect, to show respect for the office. I am NOT ready to see Barack Hussein dress like he has NO respect for the office of the President or this land. Perhaps he is not on the same page as his wife who only upon his running for President realized she was finally proud to be an American... wow, these folks never cease to amaze me... I absolutely believe my President should dress and act like MY PRESIDENT... Show some respect for the office... and for those of us you govern, please stop dumbing down my country I love! Grow up! The world is full of prepy dudes and dudettes who show no respect and use no manners!
ok off my soapbox...
What a wonderful time we are having with this SPRING weather, huh? Get ready because with this warm weather comes big time storms, when and if we get some moisture in this area! Getting closer to garden time too... this fat man needs some work outside.. need to saw down some trees and work near the spring some. Joe, one of the welders at Jake's work place, is making a good looking holder for the awesome sign to hang in our "park" thanks to Missy and Craig... Moffat Park has a name and sign, and Joe is fixing the hanging piece to hold it. I have grandiose ideas for art in our park, but not sure I can pull it off, will just have to see.
OK.. 'nough about me, how bout you??