Thursday, January 12, 2006

This week...

Isn't this weather something else? Hi's in the summer figures and lows in the winter figures.. WOW! And with every day that goes by warm, we have beat ole man winter out of a cold day!!
Poor geese can not decide whether to go south or stay here, and there are tons of them on the wheat fields this am.
Walked about a mile today... took 21 mins. But I will get better! I am feeling a bit more like a human being now. Don't have to carry a "bag" or have needles in my arms, but still have a few problems that puzzle me.
Got our bill for the helicopter ride to Tulsa.... our part of it is a bit shy of 2000.00 dollars. total bill was almost 12000.00. Sort of feel like we have been had. What we learned was... it cost about 7000.00 to have a copter ride to Tulsa, but after 7pm and before 7am and on weekends, they tack on a "fee" for after hours and it was over 5000.00 dollars. Man, that is like really taking advantage of folks. Sorry, just my opinion on this matter...
enough of me, how about you? How are you all doing??
Jon started back to get his degree yesterday and said his day went well. He will get his degree and we will all be proud of him! It takes some big time adjusting to go back to college and finish. Ask Phil... Who is taking car of our cattle for us this winter, many thanks PHIL!! speaking of him, his company is now owned by National Carriers, and Rains and Son's and employees are now employees of theirs. He did not call with a report but yesterday was their day to meet with National to see what the future held... bet we here later, or you might check his blog..
Paul is now for the first time in his many years with Stillwater PD, working day shift and off on the weekends. This too is a big adjustment for the family... but they to will make it!
Heard from Jon that Randi has been taking care of a sick Kaitlyn last week too... hope she is better now...
Jake got his figure cut at work last week and made a trip to the emergency room, and went back yesterday to get stiches out. It was still a bit pink but they took out the stiches... He is LOVING his job, welding about 12 hours a day 6 days a week getting time and half after 40! He loves his checks too!!
Sure there is more news, but for now... enjoy the day!


Today's Quote

Courage is fear that has said its prayers.

-Karl Barth