Thursday, March 27, 2008

mmm good ole ice house pepperjack burger

bragging time...

Jake has lost a lot of weight and swears he is going to stop at 220... wow, he sure is looking great!!

I just walked 4.25 miles this am averaging 17.75 mins per mile in tall grass and weeds and uneven ground, and in 24 mph wind with gust to 38 the mesonet says... wow... No wonder I am pooped! haha...

How bout these apples... within 36 hours Ann ate breakfast in Stillwater, OK., attended a business meeting in New Jersey, at dinner there and got up ate breakfast there, attended another meeting and ate dinner with me last night.. sign of the times huh??? haha...

now she is trying to figure out how to get rid of me.. haha...

Photo taken on Easter Sunday before Easter Egg Hunt... but....

Yesterday Jake and Trisha went to Dr. for their "weekly" visit now... and he said she was dilated about 1cm. and that he could easily touch Isabella's head... and he was very surprised, so he was thinking he might or might not see them next Wednesday... Jake said... now this is the farmer in him... the Doc just did a "Cow Exam on her"... very well put.. haha... so we have the calf puller and chain disinfected and standing by... haha... Trisha has her bag packed... and is "through" being pregnant and is ready to be 'Momie' for a change. The baby has truly dropped a lot and I am sure she may be ready to come out... I wonder if she has her bag packed?

I can tell you that the look on Madison's face could relate to this as she is ready for Isabella to be here too... and smiles when talking of her, and Jake's ... "just being cool" look will change and Trisha's 'blank' stare... will change as well, and will become a look of amazement and wonder and love when little Isabella Ann arrives... and two... become three.

We are all excited. Ann got back from NJ and was glad nothing happened while she was gone... she did not want to miss a thing. She remarked she had been there for all the others and was not going to miss Isabella's arrival either... maybe she knows something we all don't... haha...

Enjoy this awesome day... live as if you had not other... and don't forget to smile... and tell a friend how much they mean to ya...
Love to all...
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