The sunrise on the ole Moffat homestead yesterday was awesome. Have more pics, but no time to get them online yet.. Enjoy the day!
What's been happening... Heard:
Phil, Tammy and Austyn took Grandma Moffat to the Homecoming Parade in Stillwater Saturday. Heard it was "OK".
Marilyn and Peggy went to the game... and did not "encourage" the OSU side as good as they should have!!!
Jake mowed yards for everyone this weekend, and we truly appreciate it!!
The grandsons have their Halloween clothes figured out and are on the tarmack... in a holding pattern awaiting take off!!
I been working on family genealogy. Lots of great things from the Shaklee family and from the Blankinship family.. actually all have been very willing to help! THANKS!
There might be another Family Garage Sale at great grandma's this weekend???
OU won their game!!!
Close to time to start selling fall calves.
and start feeding hay!
and get the election over!
Uncle Ivan was in the hospital and is much better, Aunt Freda says, as of last night. Our best to him and her... They are in our prayers.
Uncle Calvin has received a bit of bad news regarding health, but knowing how strong he is and his strong will, and with all the prayers and love of the family, I bet he bounces back quickly!
I knew that my Dad always made reference to my Mom being to "Nosey" but know that I have had the opportunity to see her lifetime of work regarding family genealogy, I am so very thankful she was!! It is unbelievable!
Jake and Great Grandma spent a few days in town last week... got to keep Mom in town!! Phil and Tammy did it Saturday, and Marilyn and her spent some time there Sunday! For a little ole farm girl, Mom sure loves town!!!
Jake is supposed to start helping Dennis Beyl, a neighbor and world renowned house mover this week. Dennis moved a 400 ton glass sided, 2 story building 3/4 of a mile using 88 truck tires under it and walking behind it with the electronic control in his hand to send information to the motors under it! It was wild. He has been written up in many magazines, newspapers and Discovery is putting together an hour show about it. No cracks in the glass, the board was meeting when Dennis told those inside to abandon the building as he was starting the jack up process... they walked out of the board room leaving papers, coffee, etc on the board table and when the building was on the other side and ready to lower this past week, the board went into the room and reported it was really a sight for sore eyes! No spilt coffee, or papers on the floor, etc. everything was just as it was. The move was in the 300,000 dollar range, but to build the building back would cost 3.95 million! The guy is unbelievable! He can and does move the things no one else will move!! And DOES it!
Ok.. enough on that. Will try to post the article online soon that was written up in Perkins paper.
Used to fly racing pigeons, and this is the time of year that the babies race. Kinda miss it. But not the expense of training every day, hauling the babies 60 to 100 miles a day to get them started good.
More later.. keep the faith, enjoy the day!
(photo by stan click to enlarge)