Tuesday, November 08, 2005

IF MY BODY WERE A CAR - from Uncle Ivan...


If my body were a car, this is the time I would be thinking about
trading it in for a newer model.

I've got bumps and dents and scratches in my finish and my paint job is
getting a little dull, but that's not the worst of it.

My fenders are too wide to be considered stylish. They were once as
sleek as a little MG; now they look more like an old Buick.

My seat cushions have split open at the seams. My seats are sagging.
Seat belts? I gave up all belts when Krispy Cremes opened a shop in my

Air bag's? Forget it. The only bags I have these days are under my
eyes. Not counting the saddlebags, of course.

I have soooooo many miles on my odometer. Sure, I've been many places
and seen many things, but when's the last time an appraiser factored
life experiences against depreciation?

My headlights are out of focus and it's especially hard to see things up

My traction is not as graceful as it once was. I slip and slide and
skid and bump into things even in the best of weather.

My whitewalls are stained with varicose veins.
It takes me hours to reach my maximum speed.
My fuel rate burns inefficiently.

But here's the worst of it - almost every time I sneeze, cough or
sputter..... either my radiator leaks or my exhaust backfires!!!!

A bumper sticker for both parties - from Uncle Ivan...


At last.... A bumper sticker for both parties. FINALLY, someone has come out with a 100% bipartisan political bumper sticker. The hottest selling bumper sticker comes from New York State:


Democrats put it on the rear bumper.

Republicans put it on the front bumper.

A very big thank you too all the family who gathered round...

A very big thank you goes out to all my family for gathering round me during my recent heart attack. Life goes on... and I know, as I knew before, the most precious thing I have on the face of this earth is my family.... I am so very blessed.
Thanks to the Aunt's and Uncle's and Cousin's for cards and calls and flowers and letters and thoughts and prayers..... and my kids for ALWAYS being there for me... and especially to the love of my life, the apple of my eye, the lady I love so very much, my Ann for loving me and staying by my side.... I feel much better than before, and walked about a mile and three fourths this am... so things are getting back to normal... again, thanks to everyone for everything... S

Today's Quote

Today's Quote

I have a 'Play The Melody' philosophy. It means don't over-arrange, don't make life difficult. Just play the melody—and do it the simplest way possible.

-Jackie Gleason

Oh my, where do I start... been thinking 'bout this all day long...

perhaps..... a simple thank you, or a GIANT THANK YOU, OR.... a thank you all so much.. would be in order.. but then... it needs to be much much more...

What a fast and furious time since Friday night at 8pm. wow!!!

Seems Ann and I had a wonderful dinner Friday night and we were settling into our usual tv time together... and about 8pm, I experienced a very "funny" feeling in my chest. It was as if someone had placed a two by four on it across the top of it and then set down on it. I could not get my breath... and I didn't want to worry anyone, so I got up and walked outside.. and walked around the yard some.. then I decided maybe I needed to run.. and so I jogged about 5 times around it... and the pain seemed to ease a bit and I had no sharp pains in either arm so I "KNEW" it was not my heart... next I noticed I was breathing by could not get my breath... no matter how hard I breathed, I seemed to need more... so... after about 30 mins of this.. I went back into the house and let Ann know I might be having a bit of a problem. She suggested that the awesome peppered cheese we had might have caused some indigestion so I starting eating some Tums... and seemed to get a bit of relief... but the pain was still there, so ... I retired to the bedroom and tried to lay down.. but tossed and turned and could not get comfortable... and took some asprin as I usually do... then I remembered the pain I was experiencing was a bit like some other times over the last 6 weeks to two months. Jake and I were loading some calves and I could not get my breath.. (too fat... I know...) and other times but didn't last like this was.. so I sort of told Ann I was better.. at bedtime and I know she didn't believe me.. and she tossed and turned along with me... and offered to take me to the emergency room.. yet I knew I didn't need to go... so.. 'bout 4AM I started really hurting.. and got up and took 4 asprins... couple of moltrin, and several tylinol... farmer deal, if a little helps, you throw lots at it.. haha.. and I managed to fall asleep in numbness about 5am.. for about 3 hours.. then we got up, still hurting.. and ate breakfast, showered and then decided about 9ish to head to Doctor in Stillwater, and upon arrival, he said.. "we will tear up this little ole form, and play like you were never here and get to the hospital ER." And away we went..... to the ER at Stillwater Municipal Hospital arriving about 10ish... and we got right in, seems that chest pains get in first of line... and they started drawing blood, etc.. and drew and drew... and all of a sudden to Ann and I's amazement, there stood Paul... in the doorway... I never expected anyone to be there but Ann and I... and as the morning turned to afternoon... the whole family less Jonathan's... who live in Roff.. where at the helipad to see the copter come in and and take me to Tulsa... more later...