Monday, August 16, 2004

Ran by Dad's this evening about 8pm for an hour...

Dad was doing ok. He had a spell this am where his right leg went to sleep and would not wake up he said. He also informed he his toe nails turned blue... So they have now put him on oxygen for the time being and his toe nails looked A'OK' this evening. We visited a lot about the trip last Saturday and made some plans for this coming weekend. Seems he has "go" fever in his blood now and can not wait till the next outing. We "sort of" made plans to go out to his farm about 10ish or before and have lunch there and spend some time afterwards so he can "set in the front room" and look out his windows... and check out things... will just have to see how the week progresses. He said he walked a lot today and was pooped this evening. As I was leaving he mentioned .. that he hated to bother me.. but a Diet Dr. Pepper sure sounded good... so .. we took care of his request... I had no money so I bummed a dollar from a friendly nurse and got him his wish.. he had a few sips and was satisfied... After his shower today they did not put on the special sleeves he wears to help with the itching he has, so I had them get some and get them on him.
We talked a bit about this blog and that we had started the Moffat Family Blog to visit with family and try to keep up with all as it changes. He thought that was great! Told him we would have to show it to him when we are at his home or at our home. We talked a bit about doing another video from him to all the family.. he surprised me and said that sounded great!!
I received the following from our Niece Cortney in Orlando, Florida at 11a.m. today!
"Hi Uncle Stan,We are all doing alright. My mom is doing fine, the storm was actually supposed to go to Tampa, but then Friday morning it shifted direction and headed for Orlando. They had told a lot of people to evacuate Tampa and then the storm decided to hit somewhere else. We are all fine though! My mom ended up staying in Tampa and had some rain but that was pretty much it. We had really bad weather here in Orlando, but I am okay. I stayed over at my boyfriend's house which was just built about a year ago so it was really stable. We had some trees knocked over, but they were all small new ones, nothing hit the house or caused any damage to us or our cars. There was quite a bit of debris in the yard from the trees being uprooted and leaves & branches but that was about it. We were very fortunate. We only lost power for a few minutes at a time, nothing like the thousands that are without it. We stayed in the rest of the night, the storm hit around 9 pm Friday night - they let us leave early from work that day around 1 pm and then on Saturday they said for people to please stay off the roads b/c there were a lot of downed power lines & trees knocked over so we went out Saturday evening and drove around carefully. Most all of the traffic lights are out around here so there is a lot of traffic and the roads are pretty crazy. All the road signs were uprooted and there was some damage to a lot of buildings. The downtown area is supposed to have been hit really hard. I work downtown & was told that there was no work scheduled for today. I have just been staying here at the house - but my apartment is alright. We went over & checked on it & there isn't any damage. I have had a lot of problems with my cell phone & not having service or when I do all the circuits are busy. We actually lost power here for a few hours yesterday which was weird but it is back up now. I am going to head home to my apartment in a few hours and get settled back in there. I will recharge my phone and then give you all a call. I just checked my email and wanted to write you back that we are all okay here."
It was GREAT to hear from her and know that all are safe. Her dad, Ward Shaklee, lives in Melborne, about 45 minutes southeast of Orlando, and have not heard from them yet.
Was wondering if anyone has heard how Uncle John Moffat is doing? Or how Uncle Ivan and Aunt Freda are getting along? Need some reports... Please??? Saw Uncle Calvin and Aunt Agnes at Leon's funeral, they are doing ok. Went by the old Siegrist farmstead and took some pics of Grandpa's old barn that he and the kiddos milked cows in.. by hand. Wonder how Nita and Laura and families are doing? Please, leave a comment if you hear anything. Jonathan and Randi said all is well and going great, and baby might come early.. yeah haw.... He's a nervous camper right now.. haha..
All for now, sorry for the length but lots of thoughts racing through this old brain...
love to all, Stan
...Siegrist barn, North of El Reno, OK. August, 2004, where Mom says she milked cows by hand, cuz Grandpa Siegrist bribed her with a "ride to School" instead of walking the mile in the snow... if she would "help" him milk the cows before school.... More later... Uncle Calvin owns the homestead today. Need to get him online and have him tell us some of the things he remembers too... to keep MOM honest..haha..