Friday, July 14, 2006

This is my "office"... just in case you guys think I really don't work... haha... enjoy the day...  Posted by Picasa

all was quite on the prairie... and the moon kept watch... one eye open... maybe wondering why....  Posted by Picasa

Breakfast anyone...???  Posted by Picasa

and then I looked west and the heavens seemed to be boiling over... was it rage against the drought... or was it joy for the new growth that was going to happen below the clouds... whatever... it was another great view... and Jake was out there somewhere below it....  Posted by Picasa

The heavens were really showing off this am... the promise of a new day, against the kept promise of days past...  Posted by Picasa

It's like the sky, heaven is crying for the thistle... for it's loss of life... this was really beautiful this am.... Posted by Picasa

Thistles have amazed me this spring... I can not believe something as bad as thistles can be so beautiful... just study this for a bit.. and see the beauty... the colors the uniformity.. the lines... amazing... Posted by Picasa

HAHA.... love is calling.... poor ole Scoobie wants to get into Louise's pen and "play" with her... but we don't really want puppies... but posted this to show how strong love is.. haha.. Posted by Picasa

Looks like the mountains of Colorado in the evening shade.... God has been gracious in extending his beauty the last few mornings... It is just truly amazing to the eye... I wish I knew how to capture it with the camera.... can not even come close! Posted by Picasa