Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Now .... does this not look like something we all need to do... it was warm and water was cool, and at least Jagger was NOT turning circles!! Posted by Picasa

Sometimes, ok, most of the time, in my close up photos there is always a surprise, and this am proved to be no different! All the time I thought this was a flower on the top of this week... but it's not... what a surprise... as were the other things feeding on it... Posted by Picasa

And as I started back from middle of the section at Mk's, the sun was almost up.... Posted by Picasa

And then as we topped the pond dam on bottom double pond... a rabbit jumped up and off went Lucy again... the other animals don't seem to arouse any instincts in the other dogs... just Lucy, haha... but as you can see, the pond was like glass and the sun was just thinking of coming up... and everything in nature was awaiting it... Posted by Picasa

Another beautiful morning for walking.... but it sure was hot!! My friends were out and about... Lucy jumped up a doe and chased it all over the 160 acres we live on before she finally quit! It was so cool to hear her baying at it... all the while running... course she never caught it. The at the angle my bird friends were there singing their hearts out... Posted by Picasa