Colonel Rohrbough announced that our award recipient for 2000 is VADM Richard A. Nelson, USN, MC, Surgeon General of the Navy and Chief of the Bureau of Medicine and Surgery.
Admiral Nelson became the thirty-third Surgeon General of the Navy and Chief, Bureau of Medicine and Surgery on June 29, 1998. He is a native of Perkins, Oklahoma. Admiral Nelson received a Bachelor of Science degree from Oklahoma State University and a doctor of medicine degree from the University of Oklahoma. He did his residency in occupational medicine at the University of Cincinnati.
He entered the Navy in 1967 and served at base level hospitals such as Naval Hospital, Corpus Christi, Texas and the Naval Hospital, Bremerton, Washington. After a tour as Head of the Occupational Medicine Branch, Bureau of Medicine and Surgery in Washington, DC and the Navy Environmental Health Center in Cincinnati, Ohio, he returned to Bremerton as the Director of Occupational and Environmental Health Services and Fleet Liaison Team coordinator for the Naval Regional Medical Center. Other concurrent assignments in Bremerton included Head of the Medical Department (while the Naval Submarine Base, Bangor, Washington was being commissioned) and Medical Department Head at Puget Sound Naval Shipyard.
Following other assignments in Virginia and Washington DC, Admiral Nelson returned to Naval Hospital, Bremerton this time as Commanding Officer from 1989 to 1991. In 1991, he returned to Norfolk where he had three concurrent assignments as Fleet Surgeon, U.S. Atlantic Fleet; Command Surgeon, U. S. Atlantic Command, and Medical Advisor, Supreme Allied Command Atlantic. While assigned as Commander, Naval Medical Center San Diego, California from 1993-98, Admiral Nelson also was the Lead Agent of TRICARE Region Nine.
Admiral Nelson is certified in Occupational Medicine by the American Board of Preventive Medicine and is a member of the American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine and the Association of Military Surgeons of the United States.
Admiral Nelson has strongly supported the Interagency Institute for Federal Health Care Executives through his active participation in the Surgeon’s General Panel and attending every Graduation Dinner since becoming Surgeon General. He has strongly supported the Alumni Association and its members over the years.
Colonel Rohrbough presented the Association’s Distinguished Service Award for 2000, which included a handsome plaque and a $500 honorarium, to ADM Nelson. Unexpectedly, ADM Nelson, in a jester of kindness and in support of the Association’s new Scholarship Program, returned the check so the money could go to a deserving recipient.
photo by stan click on photo to enlarge