Thursday, July 16, 2009

from Heather ~ Congrats to Madison Ann

Madison passed her swimming lessons to night, a level 1 swimmer going down orange slide twice and twice off the diving board-way to go sister!

Monica Taylor... our neighbor...

Howdee friends and neighbors!

How's the heat treatin' ya? ME too! Here's the honest truth: I don't perspire OR glow in this heat of the summer- by God, I sweat like any old boy! Whew!

Woody Guthrie Folk Festival... well, that was quite a weekend.

It's always like a family reunion. Ya know, you see friends from all over the country and the world that you just pick right back up with for 4 days... like you've never been apart. Singing with dear friends and NEW friends from Boston to Austin from Canada to Australia! Listen, this Red Dirt farmgirl was a mighty happy and exhausted pup by the end of sunday. So good to get to visit with you all- really was.

Big Thank you to Nancy Kamm (fiddle!,) Don Morris, Jared Tyler, Terry Ware, Dean (drums) and TZ Wright for playing with me at The Brick!! They were awesome!

Also... Thank you for your letters and for helping cleanout my cd supply! (ha-ha)

Really, I have enjoyed reading your lovely comments and feedback on my Brickstreet show on thursday, the Graperanch on friday, the Hootenanny song (Young Mother)... and the duet that Ellis Paul asked me to join him on during his set friday night.
Don Conoscenti, Patrick Turnmire, and Rad just sounded so beautiful backing him up on "Dragonfly" or *Was it you*? This will probably be on his new cd... which is really wonderful! He's mixing it now- got to hear some sat. night. Wow!

I do enjoy singing with Ellis... and face to face was the best way to do it on that sort of song. (grin) Thank you again for visiting with me and writing and such, friends! (look below to see what tune we're going to put on my new recording... smile.)

Lots goin' on this month and next. Let me get the schedule out to you for me and a couple of other Okie's (grin)... including Patrick Williams! Then I might throw a brief look at my new recording project out there... for a little smile or two on your faces.

July dates:

17th Friday @ The Blue Door in OKC, OKLA. 8 or 9pm $10
Eric Devries, Gene Williams, and Greg Jacobs.
What a show! Eric is in from Holland where he is quite well known for his songwriting... and he's a very handsome feller, too. Of course, Gene Williams and Greg Jacobs are two of favorite Red Dirt performers and songwriters! I do hope to make this show... maybe I'll see you with me in the audience?! See you there!

18th Saturday @ Joseppi's Italian Rest. in Stillwater, OK 8-10pm
Uncle Don Morris and I are playing! and eating... m-m-m, I love this place. And it's just 10 minutes from my barnhouse! Come on out friends!

18th Saturday @ Southern Hills Sports Bar in Tulsa, OK 8pm
*Patrick Williams (my former Farm Couple partner) and a friend of ours, David Bright, are playing here! You don't want to miss his amazing new self-penned tunes, my friends... and all the classic country & rock.

Also on saturday the 18th: noon to 5pm in Tulsa at 41st & Peoria area my dear friend Sarah Barker and her band are playing at Lambrusco's Deli and Eatery! I'm gonna try to make it there for an hour sometime to listen AND to eat... wowser! Miss Becky, another red dirt sister, works there and it will be good to eat the amazing she and her compadres fix!

Aug. 6th, Thursday night from 7-9pm Wichita State University, Art Museum lawn
The Monica Taylor trio
Me, Jared Tyler, & Don Morris! This is a favorite folk concert series up in Wichita for the summer. Please your lawn chairs, coolers, blankets, and water bottles! I know that Mark Erelli had a wonderful time July 9th doing this concert- I got to pick and hang with him at Woody Fest. He's awesome!
SO I will see you all here for a fun evening, my Kansas friends! I'll bet cha we might be able to persuade some of Sycamore Swing, maybe a Cherokee Maiden or two to join in a song if they aren't on vacation? (grin) We'll see!

Aug. 7th - 8th Patrick Williams' dates:
Aug. 7th Univ. of Arkansas (Fayetteville, AR) Writers in the 'Vill 7pm In this ballroom.
This wonderful writers in the round showcase will have Patrick, Still on the Hill,and duo from Austin... all hosted by our dear friend and amazing songwriter and performer, Effron White. Please don't miss this great evening, friends!

Aug. 8th Friday *Effron & Patrick at Foghorn's rest. 7pm, Fayetteville, AR

Aug. 9th Effron and Patrick will travel to Eureka Springs, AR
to play at The Basin Park bandshell, I believe. Please check Effron's website for time and more info!

Recording a new CD, Dear Hearts! Finally... I know. Here's a brief rundown...

my songs:
Hello, Goodbye, I'm Gone
My Little Diner Gig
The Distance
Young Mother
My Last Name is Williams
Peaceful Evermore

The Price of Love (written by and duet with Jimmy Lafave)
She (written by Gram Parson/ duet with Ellis Paul)

Goin' by The ole Sunrise (written by Malcolm Holcomb- Jared plays dobro with malcom, too.)

Red Dirt Songs: (in addition to jimmy's)
Enjoy the Ride (bob childers, greg jacobs, brad piccalo)
Rosalie (Randy Pease)

Gospel song? Might put a tune that Jared, Chick Rains, and I are working on "It's all in God's Hands, Same as it ever was.)

Probably ONE or two more tune will be added... what do YA'LL want to hear me record? Suggestions?? Write me back with an idea. Your homework assignment.(grin)

Word o' wisdon for my friends:
Ya'll keep cool, drink lots of water (both you AND your pets).... and take walk down a country creek. Find yourself a good Honey-hole to swim in! That's my advice for this month...

love from Monica~ a red dirt farmgirl

Dems to GOP Nominee: Will the Defendant Please Rise?
Every time a Democrat senator has talked during the Senate hearings on Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor this week, I felt lousy about my country. Not for the usual reasons when a Democrat talks, but because Democrats revel in telling us what a racist country this is.

Interestingly, the Democrats' examples of ethnic prejudice did not include Clarence Thomas, whose nomination hearings began with the Democrats saying, "You may now uncuff the defendant."

Their examples did not include Miguel Estrada, the brilliant Harvard-educated lawyer who was blocked from an appellate court judgeship by Senate Democrats expressly on the grounds that he is a Hispanic -- as stated in Democratic staff memos that became public.

No, they had to go back to Roger Taney -- confirmed in 1836 -- who was allegedly attacked for being a Catholic (and who authored the Dred Scott decision), and Louis Brandeis -- confirmed in 1916 -- allegedly a victim of anti-Semitism.

Indeed, Sen. Patrick Leahy lied about Estrada's nomination, blaming it on Republicans: "He was not given a hearing when the Republicans were in charge. He was given a hearing when the Democrats were in charge."

The Republicans were "in charge" for precisely 14 days between Estrada's nomination on May 9, 2001, and May 24, 2001, when Sen. Jim Jeffords switched parties, giving Democrats control of the Senate. The Democrats then refused to hold a hearing on Estrada's nomination for approximately 480 days, shortly before the 2002 election.

Even after Republicans won back a narrow majority in 2003, Estrada was blocked "by an extraordinary filibuster mounted by Senate Democrats" -- as The New York Times put it.

Memos from the Democratic staff of the Judiciary Committee were later unearthed, revealing that they considered Estrada "especially dangerous" -- as stated in a memo by a Sen. Dick Durbin staffer -- because "he is Latino and the White House seems to be grooming him for a Supreme Court appointment."

Sandy Berger wasn't available to steal back the memos, so Durbin ordered Capitol Police to seize the documents from Senate computer servers and lock them in a police vault.

Led by Sens. Leahy and Chuck Schumer, Democrats ferociously opposed Estrada, who would have been the first Hispanic to sit on the influential U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit. They were so determined to keep him off the Supreme Court that Leahy and Schumer introduced legislation at one point to construct a fence around Estrada's house.

In frustration, Estrada finally withdrew his name on Sept. 5, 2003.

At the time, liberal historian David Garrow predicted that if the Democrats blocked Estrada, they would be "handing Bush a campaign issue to use in the Hispanic community."

Alas, today Democrats can't really place Estrada -- James Carville confuses him with that other Hispanic, Alberto Gonzales. On MSNBC they laugh about his obscurity, asking if he was the cop on "CHiPs." They also can't recall the name "Anita Hill." Nor can anyone remember African-American Janice Rogers Brown or what the Democrats did to her.

Only the indignities suffered by Justices Taney and Brandeis still burn in liberal hearts!

So when Republicans treat Sotomayor with respect and Sen. Lindsey Graham says his "hope" is that "if we ever get a conservative president and they nominate someone who has an equal passion on the other side, that we will not forget this moment," I think it's a lovely speech.

It might even persuade me if I were born yesterday.

But Democrats treat judicial nominations like war -- while Republicans keep being gracious, hoping Democrats will learn by example.

Sen. Teddy Kennedy accused Reagan nominee Robert Bork of trying to murder women, segregate blacks, institute a police state and censor speech -- everything short of driving a woman into a lake! -- within an hour of Reagan's announcing Bork's nomination.

To defend "the right to privacy," liberals investigated Bork's video rentals. (Alfred Hitchcock, the Marx Brothers' movies andRuthless People -- the last one supposedly a primer for dealing with the Democrats.)

Liberals unleashed scorned woman Anita Hill against Clarence Thomas in the 11th hour of his hearings to accuse him of sexual harassment -- charges that were believed by no one who knew both Thomas and Hill, or by the vast majority of Americans watching the hearings.

But when the tables were turned and Bill Clinton nominated left-wing extremist/ACLU lawyer Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Republicans lavished her with praise and voted overwhelmingly to confirm her, in a 96-to-3 vote. (Poor Ruth. If Sotomayor is confirmed, Ginsburg will no longer be known as "the hot one in the robe.")

The next Clinton nominee, Stephen Breyer, was also treated gallantly -- no video rental records or perjurious testimony was adduced against him -- and confirmed in an 87-to-9 vote.

As Mrs. Sam Alito can attest, the magnanimity was not returned to Bush's Supreme Court nominees. She was driven from the hearings in tears by the Democrats' vicious attacks on her husband's character. The great "uniter" Barack Obama voted against both nominees.

Even Justice Ginsburg recently remarked to The New York Times that her and Justice Breyer's hearings were "unusual" in how "civil" they were.

Hmmm, why might that be?

To the extent that the Sotomayor hearings have been less than civil, it is, again, liberals who have made it so, launching personal attacks against the ranking Republican on the Judiciary Committee, Sen. Jeff Sessions, and even the fireman whose complaint started the Ricci case.

But it was a nice speech.