Saturday, July 08, 2006

Some gave all so others might enjoy the dawning of a new day... bet ole willey coyoteeee is a happy camper after eating this muscle... haha... probably licking his chops and missing the view, you reckon'? haha... Posted by Picasa

What a beautiful sunrise on Moffat Pond! I made a couple of videos of it too, and will put online later.. enjoy... the fish were jumping this am too...  Posted by Picasa

Don't know what these bugs are, but they kind'a look serious and ready... more pics of them online.. they look like they have about a 2 inch pine needle snout.... the color caught my eye.... Posted by Picasa

Here comes the sun, here comes the sun, sounds like a song... haha....  Posted by Picasa

Another awesome sunrise on Moffat Farm! Enjoy the day... I know I will. Posted by Picasa