Thursday, July 13, 2006

Welcome - Stan and Ann's Ramblings

I try to avoid looking forward or backward, and try to keep looking upward. --Charlotte Bronte

One of Oklahoma's many talent artists... Carter Sampson was in our studio two weeks ago cutting a 4 track demo for in house use. She is one awesome singer/songwriter and is really talented. We would like to sign her to our label..but... haha... anyway.. keep watching for her.. she rocks! One of her songs she cut with her band is "Payne County Line", how cool is that!! haha.. Posted by Picasa

A red tail hawk feather... wonder if the sissortails pulled it out.. haha.. Posted by Picasa

What about me, this yellow flower was calling out.. so you know me.. had to take a pic.. and then the camera battery ran down... what a perfect ending... enjoy the day! Posted by Picasa

dressed in it's Sunday best, and all alone... Posted by Picasa

Even the insects were taking it all in... Posted by Picasa

And then the show began.. it was awesome.. this half hour was AMAZING! It truly took my breath away... and made the eyes tear up.. how awesome the view.. the majesty of all... wow.... Posted by Picasa

It kind'a looked like God was lining up his ducks this am.. getting everyone on the same page with a big skylight to get our attention... Posted by Picasa

I was thinkin' of ole Jake... and wondered if he was out on the rig welding this am... looked west and this is the view I got... wow... Posted by Picasa

What a beautiful reflection on the pond this am.. no wind, but the best was yet to come... Posted by Picasa

You have to look but this is the view from my morning walk... two lightning strikes at once and in the view of each is a set of high line poles...  Posted by Picasa

Look who came to see Grandpa and Grandma last night.. yelp, Mr. Austyn Lee Moffat with his mom and dad and his new pet... I think it's a Westie raised by Kim Payne. Kim used to be a customer of ours at the Feed Barn and Jake worked a little while for her in her kennel. The new puppy's name is .... guess that will have to be next time, ole Grandpa's mind only remember half of it.. sorry Austyn..! Posted by Picasa

Tough Records Recording Artist Nick Gibson is in our Flatland Studio recording his new CD, yet to be named. It rocks! It will do very well and I predict in writing that several of the songs on the album will be on radio by November...  Posted by Picasa