Friday, February 18, 2011

Jessie 'I'm an idiot, let me talk and prove I am no longer revelant' Jackson

MADISON, Wis. (AP) - The Rev. Jesse Jackson has urged thousands of protesters in the Wisconsin Capitol to continue their stand against a sweeping anti-union bill that state Republicans are pushing.

Jackson made an unannounced appearance at the protests Friday afternoon. Protesters rushed to shake his hand or high-five him, and many shouted, "Thank you, Jesse."

Jackson told the protesters they were fighting for a just cause. He told them to hold strong to their principles and continue fighting to kill the bill. Then he led the masses in a rendition of "We Shall Overcome."

Gov. Scott Walker's bill would cut costs in part by eliminating collective-bargaining rights.

Jackson likened the protest to anti-government fights in Egypt and Tunisia. 

He says Wisconsin workers should be allowed at the table to help find a solution.

kinda like the fox guarding the hen house? Just sayin'...   wonder what part of being broke folks don't understand? I have been there. I know. Spending STOPS. Regardless of commitments or contracts or laws... when there is no money, there is NO money.

But then this nut lives off of people and has never worked a day in his life for a wage, so how would he know. The public has taken him in, fed him and put up with the crap he spews... and pats him on the head and says, there there Jessie. It will be ok. 

a wise man once said, ‎"A superior man is modest in his speech, but exceeds in his actions." - Confucius

Guess Jessie missed this lecture!

Don't burn outside


Resolution # 2011-06

Re: Payne County Burn Ban

WHERE AS, The Payne County Board of Commissioners pursuant to the authority granted to the Board by Section 16-26.B of title 2 of the Oklahoma Statutes, do hereby proclaim that extreme fire danger exists in Payne County. The situation (as defined in Section 16-26.B.1.a-d, Title 2, O.S.) has been verified by a documented concurrence of the majority of the County's municipal and rural fire chiefs, or their designees,

WHERE AS, By virtue of this resolution, it is unlawful for any person to set fire to any forest, grass, range, crop or other wildlands, or to build a campfire or bonfire, or to burn trash or other material that may cause a forest, grass, range, crop, or other wildlands fire,

WHERE AS, Exceptions to this fire prohibition and the appropriate precautionary measures to be taken are as follows: indoor fireplaces, Commercial or Professional Covered Cookers, Welding with adequate protection, and gas grills, Prescribed Burn Plans, charcoal and campfires at Yale Civil War reenactments between February 18-20, 2011 with fire guard posted,

WHERE AS, Enforcement of this resolution may be carried out by any law enforcement officer of this State. Any person convicted of violating this resolution shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be subject to a fine of not more than Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00), to imprisonment for not more than one (1) year, or to both such fine and imprisonment,

WHERE AS, This resolution shall be effective immediately for a period not to exceed thirty (30) days from the date of passage by the Board of County Commissioners. If extreme fire danger conditions persist, subsequent resolutions may be passed. This Burn Ban may be removed at any time during the seven day period by the same method by which it was approved.

NOW BE IT RESOLVED: at a meeting by the Board of Payne County Commissioners at 10:15 on Friday, February 18, 2011.


Gloria Hesser, Chairman

Bill Deering, Vice-Chairman

Jim Arthur, Member


Linda Hatfield, County Clerk

News you can use...haha

Gene Hauf stopped by about noon today with some news...

He had his 70th Birthday on Jan. 23 and that afternoon a Movie Company rented their old home next to our studio. He said they will be moved in within this week and will be folks from all over USA. They are making a move about 177 highway titled "left of center". They also have asked Gene and Jo to be in it!!!  Gene had his mountain man look going with a full beard about 5 inches long.. .  

I showed him Phillip's photo of the 1939 Chev he took in the snow and Gene was speechless. He was blown away by the photo and the description Phil wrote beneath it!!

All I know for now!