Thursday, May 11, 2006

If I had my life to live over...

Today's Quote

If I had my life to live over...I'd dare to make more mistakes next time.

-Nadine Stair

Mom! Wait! I am not quite through yet...
Stan Moffat

Here come the ladies for their breakfast...
Stan Moffat

Wonder what the red bull is talking to his ladies about at their morning breakfast?
Stan Moffat

Wheat on the SouthEast side of Kastl Place, looking southwest in the morning sun
Stan Moffat

I bet these girls are NOT supposed to be in this wheat field one month from harvest?
Stan Moffat

Birds on a wire... wonder if they are as amazed at me, as I am at them?
Stan Moffat

Sun is almost over the trees marking a wonderful start to a super day!
Stan Moffat

Stan Moffat

Another beauty just waiting for me from this morning's walkabout!
Stan Moffat

One can walk all day, thousands of days and never see this view

One can walk all day, thousands of days and never see this view and then all of a sudden it appears, and then God helps in making my hands steady and then He uses my eye to find the picture and allows me to take it. This is what is meant by... we are only using what God has lent to us, and this photo is in fact, talent on loan from God seeing His world on loan to us all through our own eyes... As Ann taught me when we were dating and she came out and helped me feed the cows one afternoon, and had me stop by some ole weeds, I thought, at the north end of the double pond pasture, and got out and walked to the weeds and got down on her knees and looked at the small beautiful flowers, that I called weeds, and she had me get out and join her and look at their beauty, and I have never forgot that valuable lesson in life and taking time to see things around us! So now, all that know me have to suffer through tons of photos... haha... Needless to say, you can see by the path in the grass, I walk this way every day and have never seen this till today! And yes, in person, it was breathtaking. I honestly stopped and enjoyed this for about 5 minutes!! It took my breath away! I am amazed every day at the evidence of His Being, and all that He created.

And yes, there are lots of photos from this mornings walk, but I will have to post them later. Enjoy the day!
Stan Moffat