Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Some wheatgrass trying to make seed, but it has been so dry and hot it is really late....  Posted by Picasa

Some ole johnson grass seed getting ready to mature and fall to ground... Posted by Picasa

And then there were left over clouds from the storms and they were really cool...! Posted by Picasa

The ole moon was out in force this am.... Posted by Picasa

No matter how one looked at the thunderstorm, it was awesome... and hugh... Posted by Picasa

Last night there was a chance of rain... haha.. yelp very small chance, and this thunderhead blew up south of us and there are some awesome shots of the towering clouds.. but you had to be there to appreciate it.... Posted by Picasa

Went to see Monty Harper of Stillwater preform at the Stillwater Library yesterday with Ann and Heather and Andrew. He was GREAT!  Posted by Picasa