Monday, September 06, 2004



Not much change in Dad's condition.

He is still on full oxygen, and the swelling in his arm has gone down a bit. He is setting up in a chair today, first time in a week. He does not want to eat much, however, he did eat his meat and pudding, and the grapes and cherry out of his mixed fruit, and a couple of bites of mashed potatoes. He did sip on his diet Dr. Pepper a bit and still drinks a good deal of water.
All I know for now... more later..
PS. He did talk about Heather seeing him other day and Jake and Ann coming by a couple of times and friends Ed and Ethel came by, along with Lewis Kinzie. He also talked about Jon and Randi's visit, too.

OSU celebrates being in the Final Four!!!

... OLD NEWS... Great photos by Phillip Moffat! OSU Cowboys last visit home before heading to the Final Four in Field House at OSU. Picture taken by Phil. I will put up a link to it on the left. Some great photos if you love OSU, right MK?
photo by phil moffat; click on photo to enlarge

Two Angels..... hummmmmmmm????
photo by stan click on photo to enlarge

.....A boy, Austyln, and his Grandma's Dog, Zoe!
photo by stan click on photo to enlarge

Thought this was a good sunrise picture, especially for Oklahoma! enjoy!
photo by stan click on photo to enlarge

Dad's condition as of Sunday...

Jake and Ann saw Grandpa two times today, and Randi and Jonathan came up and visited with him Sunday afternoon. They all report he is doing better, but still weak and is hooked up still to IV's and to Oxygen. His years of suffering with Congestive Heart Failure is catching up with him. His heart beats ever faster and is actually moving less and less blood. His lungs are converting less and less Oxygen and is now having to be on more and more oxygen just to breath. And it amazes me how our health care system is for the elderly! And how little each independent unit talks with another. It is like ...." My way is right, to Hell with all others" when there are several doctors involved. Today, one doctor said after checking his lungs carefully the old fashion way for several minutes.."His lungs have fluid in both and are not transporting air very well, and have filled up considerably since I listened last time!" Within minutes, another Doctor waltzed in, stood there and told mom and I that he was doing great! She had no idea he had congestive heart failure till we told her, she then stated that his swelling was not related to water retention, and then ordered latex after she left! She said his lungs were fine, (She never even listened to them!) and said she thought he was doing great!!! And I could go on and on! How can these pillars of our community, those we trust with our very lives, be so completely different in their opinions??? It makes one wonder if there is any reason to even go to the doctor! If they can be this wrong... this much of the time. And we have had this time and time again. One Heart Doctor even pronounced that Dad did not have congestive heart failure!! We had a "great Doctor" in Edmond even miss the tube that Stillwater Medical Center left in dads colon.... for more than a week. In his defense, he ordered an xrayed the day dad arrived in Edmond, but admitted one week later, after ordering another and discovering the tube, that the first one was blurry!! My goodness... such POOR health care in the USA. It seems also, that if you have worked your life away, regardless of money or not, you will join the ranks of all Americans and will be warehoused with all others, so why have health insurance?? In today's world, from being around this system in the last year, if you are young and have zero insurance you will get health care that equals those who have done without and have health care insurance.... so why in the world would you want to make the sacrifice to have it??? Wow?
so my suggestion to us all...... NEVER get OLD... NEVER! Just stop it right now, because I have seen the system and it SUCKS!!