turn up your sound too... Water running from the spillway of a pond on our place ...after a spring shower.... two days ago!! Right click your mouse and save target as ... file on your desktop. Then you can play with your video player and discard later.. if you want too...
have a great day! S
A place on the web to preserve our family history! Email stanmoffat@gmail.com for details or information, etc. This a work in progress...
Monday, May 01, 2006

Austyn and Madison at backdoor Sunday. Sunday was yet another special day at our home. Heather and Paul and Kiddos visited in the afternoon and we had Sunday Dinner with Phil and Tammy and Austyn and Jake and Madison. How cool is that? What a great day. Got to see kids and grand kids and eat some great "homecooked" barbeque from Lost Creek UM Church Men's Group. Wow!! Enjoy the day.... YES, Ann, that was rain that fell from the sky this past weekend. It was confirmed via weather men in OKC!!! It was wet and the drops were round and they fell from above and it was GREAT!!!
Stan Moffat
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