Monday, June 18, 2007

Fathers Day....

I rec'd this piece from son Phil... and Tammy and Austyn. I LOVE IT...... and on top of that we all got together too... those times are indeed special times....
Phillip, Tammy and Austyn, and Heather, Paul, Andrew and Madison, and Jake and Trisha, and sis Marilyn and Mom Elinore and Ann and I and we met some new friends and neighbors of ours, Mike and Donna and their two kiddos... Mike welds with Jake at Goober Yard... so it was a nice day... but also, and probably the real reason we came together was to celebrate Jake's Birthday... and I think he had a great one too... ole dad rec'd some neat movies and clothes and lots of neat cards... and ole Jake got some neat things as well... but I think the best thing he has rec'd to date was his wife saying yes to his proposal a year ago.... and we missed Jonathan, Randi, Kaitlyn and Dylan too... but we thought of them often on this special day... and today, I talked with Jon just now and he almost was swept off the road due to high water... Ada is being inundated with water.. they have had between 4 and inches this am according to noon news... Randi is at work and Jon is on vacation and home... so he will check the roads before Randi heads home with kiddos today.....
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