Bear with me please, but this is my "Editorial" on the election:
In this time we are in, there have been many Champions, many hero's, many first's, and along the way, a few disappointments.
I still remember how truly embarrassed I was to be an American after the Clinton years ( I met Clinton and several of the others from that era when I was President of the Oklahoma Jaycees, and truly thought when he took office he would lead us to some of the best years ever, but wow, was I fooled!), and I am not a prude! I truly feel the Office of the President the most important office in our land and should have all the respect we can muster, or, who else then will honor it.
So needless to say, when, after a long drawn out election settled by the highest Court in the land, our newly elected President emerged, I was happy. And as we traveled along the bumpy road together, I, like many Americans, wondered, does our new President have want it takes. Can he do the job? Can he lead this Nation? Will he truly make American's proud again?
And then came 9-11. And on the days that followed, one of our bravest, strongest leaders ever emerged. And one could feel the pride down inside beginning to build, and the strength come, and then one evening, when our President almost cried during his famous speech, when he looked American's in the camera's eye, and shared with us how he truly felt, and where we were headed...... I cried too! Yelp, this ole man had tears running down his checks. Tears of Pride! George W Bush made us whole, made us proud, made us strong, and we felt untouchable!!
And still today, when memories come late in the still of the night of that time, the ole eyes get misty! I still find that I am so very proud to be an American, so very proud to be from Oklahoma, and so very proud of the young folks in this industry!
My point in all this is to share a link with you to help you remember.
George W. Bush (Click hear to watch) has a vision for our country. He has provided leadership and we have followed. He provided courage for us and we are indeed more courageous. He has made some tough tough decisions, and I am thankful I did not have to make! He, like us if we were elected, surrounded himself with the strongest men and women he could find to help lead. And they led!
Today, I have never been prouder to be an American. And I am so very proud of the young men and women in our armed forces. And so very thankful and reverent of those who gave their lives for our freedom, and the freedom of others. And so thankful for all in the coalition. Including Iraq's young men and women who are fighting besides all the others, risking their lives ever day to win for them the very freedom we enjoy every day!
Yelp, I am proud.
Now, when you are in the voting booth on Tuesday, November 2nd, please, take time to stop, think about where we have been, and how proud you are again, and say a prayer for all those who have died so we can be in that booth, and the strength of our leaders.... and then mark your ballot accordingly!
Ed's Note: the included link takes a long time to download as it is both a movie with music added, but it's worth the money, if you are a Bush supporter, or undecided, or are supporting someone else, I challenge you to view it! Yelp, I truly support the President of these United States! May God bless him, and bless us one and all.
~~~~~~ I realize this breaks the rule not to ever talk about religion, or politics,etc. with family... but, haha... this is my football, haha!!!
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Wednesday, October 13, 2004
Today's Dad's birthday...

Today's Dad's birthday... so we pause to honor his memory. Like I told him before his passing, he was the best dad anyone could have had. He taught us wrong from right, to be humble, to take time to smell the roses, and to always be proud of this great country of ours. Then, he let us fly! And in his heart of hearts, he was always proud of us he said, and hoped for us the best of all things. He knew how proud we were of him, yet, he found it hard to believe!
He was so simple, yet so complex. He will always be in our memories, and in our hearts. Love ya Dad! Thanks for sending this beautiful day to honor your memory!
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