Friday, October 06, 2006

and then begins her lecture series on the how and why of the universe.... so we can all learn and understand better the why and how of life and "things"....
Stan Moffat

And then studys some more....
Stan Moffat

Then after studying.. she reflects on what she has learned....
Stan Moffat

do you remember learning something new... discovering how and why things are??? It is an amazing process.. here ms madison ann studies.....
Stan Moffat

We picked this flower up and then put it down over 20 times.. in the same place..
Stan Moffat

This little lady is always smiling.. and running!!
Stan Moffat

Madison Ann exploring Ann's chicken pen... before supper.... our evening walk about
Stan Moffat

Madison Ann finishing up her bottle so her and Grandma and Andrew could hit the road... drinking and driving.. haha....
Stan Moffat

but then, for Andrew, the morning starts with Uncle Jake's video games.... bright eyed and bushy tailed... not how Mk and I started our day at this age, we were in the milk barn with Grandma and Grandpa Moffat.... playing milk barn games.. haha...
Stan Moffat

Well, you know it's been a long night when the first thing the kiddos want in the morning is a "bottle".. haha
Stan Moffat

Between stimulus and response, there is a space.

Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space lies our freedom and power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and freedom. --Viktor Frankl