Friday, December 01, 2006

Farrahday Jewel Tackett - October 26, 2006


Here are some pictures of Darcy and Rocky Tackett's new baby girl, Farrahday Jewel Tackett.

She was born on October 26 and weighed 9 lbs 13 oz. She was 20.5 inches long.
Mother and Baby are doing fine.

Darcy is the daughter of Donnie and Joyce Wilson, and Donnie is the son of Clinton and Joanna (Moffat) Wilson of Norman. Joanna is the daughter of John and Clara Moffat, and John was the brother of my father, Oscar. Joanna writes in a note "This makes 6 grandchildren for Donnie and Joyce. We now have 6 grandchildren and 6 great grandchildren." Now Joanna, you and Clinton are much too young for that many... are you sure??? haha...

Congrats to Darcy and Rocky - Donnie and Joyce for now having 6 grand children as well, and to Joanna and Clinton for now 6 and 6!

Ann and I are now at 5. We are excited about that. Now if we can just get some more on the way... ! Posted by Picasa

A very proud Daddy takes a first photo of his newborn son...

 Today is D Day for Jonathan, Randi and Kaitlyn. They are heading home with their new family member Dylan Scott Moffat to Roff. I don't know if I blogged about that birth or not.. haha.. yeah right!!! We just got the call and they are heading home today... they had rain all night the night Dylan was born and then... it snowed all day yesterday, his second day on this earth, and today... well, we will just have to wait and see what mother nature does to celebrate.. haha..

Enjoy the day... and Dylan, even though we are not there, please know that Grandma and I love you deeply! Kaitlyn, you will have to look out for Mom and Dad, they will need your help with brother... and I bet the farm you can and will do that!!

My best to you all... Posted by Picasa

Oh ... did I mention Austyn Lee Moffat turns 7 today??

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To see photo larger just click on it.. Walkabout 12-01-2006

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Just thinking.. I wonder if the kids remember the homemade tack box we used to show calves out of... this bottom box has been all over 8 states... with the kids...
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