Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Harvest of Gold....

Yellow gold to the dry land farmer.. was 3.00 in the 20's and 30's and still is 3.00 today.. and the bushels have not improved all that much either.. The lil combine cost new 175000.00. Truck new in 1974 15000.00. One can not make a living without using used equipment with wheat. No way. Do the math. This field will make about 30 bushel to the acre. It cost about 50 an acre to get it to the ready to cut stage. rent is cost is 1/3 of crop, and and fertilzer is about 20.00 an acre.. so in the long run, the man leasing is paying about 10.00 out of his pocket to do all this.. ain't it fun.. life can be so fun... haha.. While there taking pictures, the combine broke down, and they estimated the repairs at around 500.00 and it needs fuel, at 2.00 a gallon, hold 150 gallon... there is another 300.00. The truck was having trouble "pulling itself empty" so Ken raised the hood, and found the distributor had come loose, and now it's out of time and he needs a mechanic real bad, but the load has to get to town and the truck back, while combine repairs are made.. so they can fill it again.. there is rain in the forecast.. and you know what.. the above does not take into account the 10% markdown for rye in wheat.. so every 60 pounds they take to town, the elevator gets 6 pounds free... or they give the elevator .30 cents for every bushel they haul, so they will lose about a hundred dollars just taking this to town and dumping it.. geeze farming is fun.. haha.. enjoy the day. Click here to view the rest of the 123 photos, and then... here is a link to video Wheat1 video and Wheat2 video and Wheat3 video... You might want to download the videos before viewing them as they are a bit big... save to desktop so you can find them easily... then click to view. Enjoy the day... Posted by Hello

Wall's cutting wheat on Kastle Place June 15, 2005 for Judge's who have it rented. The test weight was 62 to 60 pounds with 7 to 10% Dockage for rye grass and the moisture was 14+... really too wet, but the weeds are really coming on after all the lil' rain we had. The ground was really cracked open too. Ken said and I saw too where you could run your whole hand into the cracks.. it is really dry. We need rain badly. only about an inch out of all the chances last week. Cattle producers are running out of pasture, hay is in demand, with several thinking of starting to put out hay for their cattle now.. instead of November.. I took a bunch of photos and two or three videos of the machine running.. Enjoy the day... Posted by Hello

Today's Quote...

Today's Quote

In taking revenge, a man is but even with his enemy; but in passing it over, he is superior.

-Sir Francis Bacon