Tuesday, November 15, 2005

The girls saying goodbye with help of parents..  Posted by Picasa

Madison Ann and Paul.... having fun...  Posted by Picasa

Birthday boy unwrapping presents.. with some help from the boys... Posted by Picasa

Heather and Madison Ann and Kailtyn Brooke Posted by Picasa

Jon, Madison Ann and Kailtyn Brooke Posted by Picasa

the Birthday boy Phil and family... on his big ole 36th Birthday... Posted by Picasa

Kaitlyn studying Zoe' Posted by Picasa

The lil' party animal and her Grandma Moffat... Posted by Picasa

ok.. now this one is hard to explain...haha.. but Kaitlyn and her Dad do have fun!! Posted by Picasa

Look who came up to see everyone and celebrate her Uncle Phil's 36th Birthday! She would not have missed it. She's a party animal!! Posted by Picasa