Monday, December 20, 2004

What welcome mail today.....!!!

I received a letter from Uncle John Emmett Schmook today in the mail. How wonderful it is to get mail from family!! And distant family too!! He sent a note about the history of the Kieffer/Schmook family and it will be include in the kiddos Christmas gifts this year too. I think Ann's Cousin Connie is sending us a care package too. Got our family Shaklee December Newsletter from Bill Shaklee. How awesome he is to take time to put together such a great family news letter. He puts one out about 10 to 12 times a year, and really spends a lot of time on the history, and family updates as the family grows.. wow.. thanks Bill for all you do to keep the history going!! Thanks Uncle John for your great letter regarding the family history.
And by the way, my dearest Cortney.... have I got a deal for you. I have found gold. Some of your early pics from the farm... hahah.. just what Jeff needs to see.... now let's see, what do I put online first.. hummmmmmm..... hahahha...

Merry Christmas, one and all.... Enjoy the season!!

Wanted everyone to know there are.....

There are a lot of new "old family photos" online regarding the Shaklee Family History, Schmook and Kieffer, too.... In the album titled Shaklee Family Photos.. there are sub albums with even more photos.. and after the holidays, there will be even more photos.. when Uncle Mike comes down and trades with us... enjoy the season.. it's God's gift to us... to celebrate the birth of his Son!!