There is two things of interest in this photo. The young lady in orange is mother of girl in wagon who is granddaughter of man to her left in hat who is father of young man in front who is boss of the deal and the auctioneer on the right is not a family member, but is a family friend! This is the Pickens family of Stillwater, and the auctioneer is Bob Priess, who is the father of a couple of young kiddos who showed cattle when our kids did...
And the rest of the story... haha,
If I had been on my toes and had thought about how to load it, I would have bought this wagon to bring home and take the grand kids for rides.. but I could not figure out how to load it! I did have my flatbed, so could have hauled it.. oh well, maybe next time.. ahaha.. it brings 240.00 dollars.