Tuesday, May 24, 2005

On their way to the sale ring.. Posted by Hello

Things move fast at the Perkins Livestock Sales Goat and Sheep Auction. This was a set of nice nannies.  Posted by Hello

Col. Bob Priess at work selling the goats..  Posted by Hello

Entrance to the Perkins Livestock Sales south on Mom's farm on Highway 33. I am working on a website for them... This was Goat and Sheep Sale Day. Posted by Hello

Jake's painting the new fence on the Shultz Ranch this spring and summer. This is looking south down Western. Mom's drive is on the hilltop and to the right. Posted by Hello

The original homestead home. Built with green lumber they sawed from a creek not to far away. 11 kids and parents lived here at turn of the 20th century.. can you imagine? Posted by Hello

The barn on the farm where the auction was.. lots of antiques at this estate sale...  Posted by Hello

There is two things of interest in this photo. The young lady in orange is mother of girl in wagon who is granddaughter of man to her left in hat who is father of young man in front who is boss of the deal and the auctioneer on the right is not a family member, but is a family friend! This is the Pickens family of Stillwater, and the auctioneer is Bob Priess, who is the father of a couple of young kiddos who showed cattle when our kids did...

And the rest of the story... haha,
If I had been on my toes and had thought about how to load it, I would have bought this wagon to bring home and take the grand kids for rides.. but I could not figure out how to load it! I did have my flatbed, so could have hauled it.. oh well, maybe next time.. ahaha.. it brings 240.00 dollars.  Posted by Hello

This young man was one of the first I saw who couldn't wait to see what all of the treasures were in the box of "stuff" he bought for a dollar bill! He ran away from the crowd down by a light poll and set it down and went to tearing through his treasure chest...  Posted by Hello

On the way to an auction last weekend, I saw these young ladies against the fence, the wind was from the south and they were against the south fence, and it was hot at 10am! Posted by Hello

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Today's Quote

If you don't have the time to do something right, where are you going to find the time to fix it?

-Stephen King (submitted by ivyb2000)