The state of your life is nothing more than a reflection of your state of mind.
- Dr. Wayne Dyer
A place on the web to preserve our family history! Email for details or information, etc. This a work in progress...
Saturday, November 06, 2004

The boys playing at Phillip's Birthday Dinner last evening. They really play good together for a while.. then they became tired... and short wired! Hey, You know.. I am a proud grandpa! Got to show the boys too... shame we don't get to see Kaitlyn Brooke very much, but guess we will just have to accept it. Jon and Randi could not come up as Randi's family was having their Thanksgiving Dinner this weekend. I think we will get to see them for about an hour I heard on Thanksgiving as Randi's folks will be having another Thanksgiving too. Life goes on... and on! Enjoy the day..
(photo by stan click to enlarge)

We gathered last evening in Phil and Tammy Moffat's home to celebrate his birthday, number 35 I believe, wow, no wonder I am feeling old... haha. A great time was had by all. T'was a great meal, and good fellowship. The two cousins even got along for a bit, before the length of the day caught up with them and they started getting tired. Phil received some great gifts, but in the end, the folks who came may have received the best deal, one awesome meal!!! Happy Birthday Phil. I know today is really it, so Happy Birthday to ya!!! But as the evening progressed, we discovered we had a couple of other accompishments to celebrate too!!!
(photo by stan click to enlarge)

Another look'ie here...... Tammy Moffat received her Teacher's Certificate from the Oklahoma Department of Education this past week! She can teach P-3 and then can also teach a couple of subjects in 9 - 12 grade. She is quite the homemaker and between her and Phil, their home is full of special things they have made over the years. I am so very proud of her, and Phil. They both decided to get their college degrees after they were married, and each did so, both graduating from OSU!! Tammy is one of the best cooks in Payne County, and has entered blue ribbon winning items in the County Fair, and other competitions. She will make a great teacher, if she decides to work in that field. The kiddos would be lucky to have her as their teacher!
(photo by stan click to enlarge)

Look'ie here! Sure was hard to get this fine young lady to stand still last night to get the photo... you know Marilyn, always on the go, but I finally cornered her and got her to stand still long enough!! Marilyn received the Distinguished Service Award, one of the highest achievements one can receive from OSU! You would not know she is one of the biggest supporters of OSU sports, and is one of the key employees at the Boren Vet. Teaching Hospital, located on the OSU campus. She has been employee there throughout her life, and I know from many of the Vets that teach and work in the field, that she is one of the most valued and respected employees at that facility. I know if you asked her what her job is, she would tell you exactly what her title is and what her responsibilities are, but I ALSO know you can find her leading tours, working on the landscape in front of building, helping shuffle the vets around during their conferences, working booths, and many many other tasks! She is very respected and one of the hardest workers on staff. She would never tell you this as she is very modest and humble, but I know personally, because of my dealings with lots of the folks who work there. And I am very proud of her and her accomplishments! Just wanted to share with everyone!!
(photo by stan click to enlarge)
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