Monday, June 05, 2006

The Flags blowing in the South wind this am after showers moved through... and still no rain! Posted by Picasa

There were many others wanting some of the rain that was close by too. As you can see from some of the pics from today, the grass is drying up and even the weeds and trees are dropping some extra leaves due to drought. I guess this pic depicts life on the prarie this time of year.. some will make it, some will not. Wheat that was planted on time is now ready to cut. That wheat that did not come up till the last and only shower we had is still green, and most of the rye did not sprout till that shower so it is green too.. but all in all, everything could use a drink... and there was the promise of rain on the horizon, and yet as you can see, this is looking east.. so it also shows an opportunity missed! Enjoy the day...
Stan Moffat

Awaiting the promise of rain.... it was so close I could smell it in the area, and about every two minutes a drop would hit me....
Stan Moffat