Sunday, June 11, 2006

Have you ever looked at natures handicraft? Amazing things are waiting on you to discover... I know I wake up in a new world every day... haha, but then my family knows that only too well... haha... love to all, enjoy the day, and live like it's your last one, cuz you never know when it just might be...  Posted by Picasa

another of God's amazing creations, and this one only last a day... more color in the pastures and fields than I ever dreamed possible, and every day that I walk through them, I see NEW things... or old ones in new ways...  Posted by Picasa

Sometimes the simplest things are the most important part... imagine a sunrise with NO color... or ... the 30 minutes before sunrise are truly the most important of the day, and seems to set the stage for how the whole day plays out... enjoy this special day! Posted by Picasa

I still believe, in spite of

I still believe, in spite of everything,
that people are truly good at heart... Anne Frank

The heart, like the grape, is ...

The heart, like the grape, is prone to delivering its harvest in the same moment it appears to be crushed.

-Roger Houseden (submitted by jrnorwood)