A place on the web to preserve our family history!
Email stanmoffat@gmail.com for details or information, etc.
This a work in progress...
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
A strong south wind kept the flag at attention, or was it the arrival of Dylan Scott Moffat?
got to eat to celebrate, right.. and so we did, at Edwardo's....
the sun was coming up and it was a warm start to what would become a bitter cold night as a super cold front was about to move in.. we arrived at just past sunup... for the arrival of one of God's greatest gifts...
A proud Mom and Dylan heading to their room for a few days...
Andrew and Dylan
Kaitlyn couldn't wait to see and touch brother Dylan. She was really excited and wanting to see him fast...
three kiddos who were really excited about their new cousin's arrival... Andrew, Kaitlyn, and Madison..
Dad taking a first photo of his son... through the glass... Papa Travis was assisting... and you can see, we all were studying the deal, wondering just how our lives were changing... sometimes in the blink of an eye...
a shot of a truly dazzled Dad taking it all in ... as the three become 4....
Dylan was not a happy camper at first.. think Grandpa Moffat's looks scared him, haha...
the hospital entrance in Ada where Dylan was born. Heather, Andrew, Madison, Ann and I left Stillwater at 5:30AM and we were in Ada at 7:15am, in time to see Randi and Jon, before the arrival of Dylan
the hospital where we spent the day...
Andrew touching Dylan for the first time...
Dylan, an amazed Andrew and a very happy Grandma...
Andrew thought holding Dylan was the best thing in the world...
Andrew taking a photo of Dylan
Madison was amazed ...
Even ole' Grandpa was trying to spred the word with a phone he did not know how to work.. haha... but can you see how excited he was??
A first kiss from Cousin Madison Ann for Dylan Scott. Everyone was amazed at how handsome and neat he was!!
Grandma was all smiles and giggles holding Dylan for the first time...
Proud poppa, and rightfully so...
Grandma Ann, Jonathan Scott, Dylan Scott and Aunt Heather Ann