Amazing what one will find if one just looks around... haha, especially my office!! Here is a pic of 4 generations of the ole Moffat's. Me, Dad, Austyn and Phil. Austyn's Birthday was Dec 1st, and we will be celebrating it tomorrow night, before the big game!! Go Sooners!!! Ok, I know, enough of that...haha. The saga of stan... Jake continues to work me butt off!! Yesterday he and I went to Mom's to load up some new babies to take to the vet clinic to work and you know what. The old baby sitter cow who was watching the babies while the rest of the herd came in, decided the young babies did not need to go to town.. haha, so she stayed in the pasture and just smiled and continued to eat hay with the babies while the rest of the cattle come into the pen, and of course I am sure she really enjoyed watching Jake and I make fools out of ourselves to them, thinking we could out smart them. Long story short, calves 1 - Jake and I - 0! So we stopped that deal, picked up the new tag for the dually, then tired to get a haircut, but my barber now has banker's hours. Geeze, and he used to make fun of me and my hours!! I came home and worked on something I am trying to get done for kiddos for Christmas, and Jake changed a flat on the hay truck, went to Perkins to gather mineral and we decided to try some of the lazy man's feed, feed in a tub, for the weaned heifers, so he got two of those to try. He feed, and came home. He has been such great help this last summer and fall, I will truly be lost without him. He really loves messing with the cattle. I think he has us moving back into the club calf market. We are supposed to go look at some young bulls at Alpha Angus Ranch today for the heifers this spring. Also thinking of maybe trying AI or ET on them. Just not sure. We also need to chase some replacement bulls for cow herd but think we will get some cross breds, probably from neighbor who has the best in the world, or so it seems! They sure look great and don't have to drive around the world looking!! I also uploaded an album yesterday of Siegrist and Snethen items. There are tons more, these are some of things out of the one book I brought home. Will try to put under the pics the comments about what the pic shows. Can not hardly wait to eat dinner with Austyn tomorrow night celebrating his Bday, big number 5! Happy Birthday Austyn!!