Mom earned a whopping TWO dollars from the weekend's efforts at the big Family Garage Sale. This opposed to others who did quite well. Ann and I would put things in it, but me being the son of Elinore, there is usually nothing left to sell when I am done with something...
Oh.. I forgot to mention...Mom adopted a daughter this past week! Yes sir e.. She did. Approximately two years old, white with a bit of black, and really cute and lovable, and loves Mom's attention. She really fits in well with Mom's adopted son, too. We just can not wait to see how long it is before she spoils her and, as most know, mom loves to "feed" things, so can not wait to see how long before Mom has her in the same shape as her adopted son. Will put up a picture of her soon for all to enjoy! Sorry, I forgot to ask Mom her name. How embarrassing!
We received about 3/4 of an inch of welcomed rain over last few days. We were really starting to get dry. But then with rain once a week all summer long, it did not take much to become dry, as the grass and plants did not "root down" like in the normal summer months, since water was always close to the top of the ground, too. Now with this being October, the leaves are starting to turn and fall. No freeze yet, but I remember several times with the kiddos in Tulsa at State Fair, there would be ice on the wash rack on this date! This is the day the Junior Heifer Show concludes with the Angus and Maine's showing. We have a family that is keeping three Angus heifers here and they are at the show with two of them, so wish them luck today. Jake has another interest in today's show, since the Shultz Ranch sold a heifer to a family in the county that will be in the Maine show. This Shultz heifer is a super female, and should do quite well, he reports.
Oh, while on a typing spurt... Yeah to OU... tough game, the team really stepped up and showed their character! My goodness, doesn't Bob Stoops just make you proud to be from Oklahoma!! He really is a great man great morals, and super character, and truly reach into the hearts and souls of his young men and get them to achieve the dreams they desire. Just imagine these young men after graduation, in the work place with this philosophy instilled inside their minds... bet they are some of the most recruited men in this region, especially those who truly went to college to get an education, and excelled! I truly do not know which makes me prouder, their winning, or the character that shines through their leader!! Ophs, that is a lie!!! It's the character of Stoops! Just listen to him talk about the team. Would you not be proud to be part of it, the way he speaks of the team and their abilities?
But not to overlook Oklahoma State either! Wow two teams in one state... one is 45 minutes south of OKC and the other is 45 mins north... and both are in the Top 25 in USA!! Both are undefeated this season, with a 5-0 record, and both have great players on their teams. I will grant that OSU is now beginning to face some tough teams for the first time this season, where OU just played the 4th rank team, Texas, to a 12-0 victory. OSU will get it's first taste of real competition this coming weekend with Texas coming to their home for their homecoming. This will be a REAL test of the team. When Miles first came to OSU he decide the team needed to walk from the student union to the stadium to instill some pride into the team. As things progressed, they started walking farther... as they were not winning, and a lot of us laughed in the beginning and had heard his first news conference that really sucked, etc. and said "before long, he will have them walking from OKC!" But accordingly, Miles has put together some solid men coaching under him to make up for his short comings, and is a true guardian of the team. There is indeed a new spirit of rebirth inside the team and while they are young, they are talented. Now, with the real season starting, time will tell us if they are indeed as good as they are rated. Let's hope they are! It's not that I do not support them. It's that I guess they have not earned my respect, as they have not played the tough schedule that OU has.
OK, enough of sports... haha.. well almost! Oklahoma now has a new rowing facility located on the Canadian River, or what ever they have named it now, in OKC. They held a rowing contest there over this last weekend, with even a team from Harvard in attendance, and all said it is a great facility, and the "new" river, is awesome for rowing. The river was re worked and locks added to help revitialize downtown OKC, and it passed it's test. So a new sport added to landlocked OSU and OU and others in state. The OSU equestrian team continues to pile up wins too, leading the Big 12 conference, and schools in the region with points. The coach, Sanchez, lives two miles north of Mom's, and he is a super individual, as well.
And you thought I was off sports... ahahaaaa.... my bad!!
Grandson's did not get along well Friday, I heard. Each had a reason why and concerned the other, haha. Boy do I remember when....
Jon says things are on track for them and Katilyn... They are heading to OKC to have an ultra sound made by her Doctor, just to be sure this coming Tuesday. Just weeks away folks, so be sure and stay tuned for all the excitement.
Phil is on cloud 9! They have a new FASTER computer, that he, Tammy and Austyn will really enjoy!! His job requires a lot of driving and he sees a lot of things no one else does, so he is thinking of getting a new camera that will allow him to share with us the awesome sites he sees each day in his duties. That would be great... as you know, I love pics.
By the way, if you do not subscribe to the Perkins Journal, you should! David Sassar has really stepped up the quality of the weekly paper, and it contains tons of local news, much more than you will find in the daily Stillwater NewsPress, that cost 100 a year, and Perkins Journal is only 28 dollars a year!! What a deal!!
Well, guess I could go on and on.. but should not, haha.
Enjoy the day.