now when second beer is finished pick ear off grill if skin sticks to ear it is done if blisters appear in 20 secs it could need a few DO NOT OPEN ANOTHER BEER NOW TIMING IS IMPORTANT JUST AS FLAMES APPEAR GRAB EAR AND DUNK IN ICECHEST---con grats you have sucsessfully roasted an ear of corn now with dull knife hack off buttend of ear and peel away husk (if black unknown material falls away) pitch this one in trash and say ididnt want one anyway or who wants theirs well done if this is after 6 pm throw ears at grill close lid when you think about it raise lid rake ears on ground (no finger tesr required now as all feeling is gone and responce time could mean loss of fingers) pick up ears that missed grilll and yell who wants one rare ( butter should be heated by desinated driver and will be hot to lips) nobody else will notice or care at this point if they have been properly overserved HAVE SAFE 4TH