Thursday, July 20, 2006

turtle number 7, one shy of a record for her today... and that's all folks.. enjoy the day! got to get around and go watch Austyn at his last swimming lessons of the summer.... oh, yes, and take a pic or two...haha... Posted by Picasa

Yes.. ole Sugar is out there in front in the weeds in my path carrying turtle number six... Posted by Picasa

fourth turtle... Posted by Picasa

Sugar and her turtles... second one... found today and she carries them, panting like heck with her mouth full.... Posted by Picasa

Ah... sweet success... up at last....  Posted by Picasa

still thinking..... but pushing ahead... Posted by Picasa

almost... Posted by Picasa

just peaking through... Posted by Picasa

This set of clouds was like an artists canvas... fluid and moving around... a bit... Posted by Picasa

68th Street looking east...  Posted by Picasa

another view Posted by Picasa

first pic with camera was a beauty.... had not a clue what I was doing... sun was thinking of getting up... gathering it's energy to do so... Posted by Picasa