Thursday, December 09, 2004

Ky Shaklee turns 24 ..... or did turn 24 last Monday, Dec. 6th!

Ky, I messed up bad!! I had your birthday in the computer as june 12 instead of Dec 6... I was close! I have 6/12 instead of 12/6!! Guess it's an age thingy!!
Happy belated Birthday Ky!! Hope it was real special and you had a great day! May you have many many more! Hope you're having a great time in your new home in Nashville!! Tell Jade and Julia hi from all of us, too!!

Hey guys... Look who showed up in my email this evening... Really great to pop open the mail and discover a pic of family. This was taken at Ward and Melanie's Association Christmas Party. Thought we would pass it along and thank Melanie big time for sending it along!! .... Well my ole helper is off to Jet to work on fence with Mike on the land up there for a couple of days.. geeze, I might have to get off my large tail end and work.. oh no@@!!!! Enjoy... haha.. Oh by the way, a big happy birthday to another cousin.. Cousin Kent Siegrist has a big birthday in a few hours, and then all day Friday... Happy Birthday Kent, and many many more!! later guys..