Tuesday, May 31, 2005

OH... The boys of summer were at it yesterday...

Ok, pics of the "Boys of Summer" are online from Memorial Day Family picnic with Phillip, Tammy, Austyn, Jake, Heather, Madison, Andrew and I .... small get together of part of the family ...kind of a last minute deal. Paul had to work, and Jonathan and Randi and Kaitlyn wanted a day for themselves, so the rest of us... got together,and as boys will be boys... a game of baseball started... it was the first time Andrew had been exposed to actually playing and was a bit overwhelmed...but Austyn is playing T Ball this summer for the first time and has had a practice. We decided that Andrew was going to be a slugger.. he can really hit the ball, and Austyn really understands the game and is very athletic... so look at world, two new boys .... who will become part of sports legends..... good food, nice time had by all... Enjoy the photos.. I tired to get the ball in the air.. but failed.... darn it.. If you use the family photo link on this page to go to the albums.. they are arranged by alphabet. And for some reason the new camera puts them online by month first not year.. I will try to change this but for now all may pics are under May... not 2005... later.. dad

Today's Quote --

Argue for your limitations and sure enough they're yours.

-Richard Bach

Monday, May 30, 2005

Guarding Your Thoughts ... this is Memorial Day...

Guarding Your Thoughts
Today is Memorial Day and our thoughts are for those who have bravely given their lives in defending the freedoms we enjoy. We’ve been talking the last few days about leaning to build bridges for relationships with our words. If you want to be a great communicator, Jesus taught us that you should guard your thoughts. because that’s where it all begins. In the book of Matthew, chapter 12, and in Mark 7, there’s a couple of things about what we think and how that results in what we say…first, Matthew 12:34 (NIV)...”Four out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks.” Circle the words “heart” and “mouth”. And then Mark 7:15 (TLB)...Your souls aren’t harmed by what you eat, but by what you think and say!” Circle the words “think” and “say”.
Do you see the vicious circle here? How what I say affects what I think and what I think affects what I say..the vicious circle? Think of this circle with me...let me picture it for you: You start with angry words and those angry words result in a wounded soul...and that wounded soul results in a bitter heart...and that bitter heart results in more angry words. And you just can’t seem to get out of this circle where you’re angry, wounded, hurt...and so you say more angry words....it goes around and around and around. It’s a vicious circle, and we’ve all been caught up in those vicious circles that happen with our words. Jesus said, “If you want to have great communication, you’ve got to guard your heart...it’s one of the keys. Jesus said that words are never a slip of the tongue, but an overflow of the heart. He’s saying you may not have wanted to say it, but you felt it or you wouldn’t have said it...that’s what Jesus is saying. And so, communication starts with what you think. And if you guard that, you’ll talk in a better way. Do you ever let your thoughts leak out into your words? You didn’t mean to and you weren’t going to say it, but you got angry or something happened and “boom!”...it just slipped out...we’ve all done that and that’s what Jesus was talking about. In fact, Jesus said it’s inevitable...eventually it’s going to happen. So part of great communication is guarding your heart....telling yourself, “If I think it, I’m eventually going to say it.” For many of us, we’ll never experience a real change in the way we communicate until we have a change of heart...because that’s where it begins…by guarding our hearts! (Tomorrow: Using Your Ears)
posted by Rix Tillman at 5:54 AM

Today's Inspirational Story -

Dear Baby
A soldier writes to her unborn child about duty to her country and the decision to serve in the military.
By Staff Sgt. Sharon McBride

Dear baby:

As you grow inside me, I have been thinking more and more of what it means to be a mommy in the U.S. Army.

Let me be the first to tell you, though, that we have a rough road ahead of us, kiddo. The life of a soldier isn't an easy one.

Already in the seven years that I've been in the Army, I've spent a lot of time away from home. It's very rare that I get to spend holidays with my family. And more and more I see my friends and comrades departing on deployments that send them far away from their families for extended lengths of time. And I have a feeling that life isn't going to get any easier, sweetie.

And, although we have been given a reprieve of sorts while you continue to make my belly expand, I have a feeling it won't be too long after you are born that I, too, will be asked to go away--again.

It seems, my dear, that there are too many nasty people in this world that feel like they need to oppress, suffocate and stamp out human pride and freedom among their fellow man.

Why, sweetie? I don't know. But these men seem to be everywhere. Every day when I turn on the news, there's a different man in a different part of the world that's making life unbearable for others.

As a soldier, I have given my word that if the call comes for me to do my part in making the world a better place to live, I'll go. No hesitation. No questions asked.

That call was a lot easier to answer when I didn't have you--when I just had myself to think about. Now, as a future parent, I can see why some single mommies choose to get out of the Army, but my resolve is true.

I know baby, this is going to be hard for you to understand. You're going to want your mommy and she'll be far, far away.

I'm going to miss a lot of important things--perhaps many of your firsts: birthdays, holidays, you know, all the good stuff. But, I am a soldier. It's a profession that few choose, but one that the many don't hesitate to call when there's trouble to be fixed. That's our job; our mission in life: to help others that can't seem to help themselves.

But, take comfort in the fact that there are going to be other children that will not only be missing their mommies but daddies too.

Many families have gone down this road before us. We won't be the first. And we certainly won't be the last. So, if they can do it, surely we can do it too.

While we are together, though, I promise to hold you a bit longer than necessary, read the story about the purple dinosaur as many times as you want, fix you favorite food for dinner, kiss you a lot, hold your hand and take as many photos of you as possible. Memories of these things will have to sustain us while we are apart.

Just take heart that being an Army baby won't be all bad. There will be sweets to go with the sour. You'll get to travel and see other cultures that other kids won't get to see. There will always be food on the table and clothes on your back. If you get sick, you will always have medicine to make you feel better.

Some children in the world don't even have shoes. I know, because I've seen them.

So, as you grow stronger and bigger inside me, I can only hope and pray that you remember the lessons I will teach while we are together and that they will help you when we are apart: Always share your cookies, never call names, remember to say "I'm sorry" if you are wrong, wash behind your ears and brush your teeth, and say "I love you" every chance you get.

Lastly, don't forget to pray for Mommy and the other parents that often have to be so far away from their little ones. We don't want to leave, but sometimes duty calls.

Update: I wrote this letter to my unborn child in Oct. 2003. Prior to her birth I spent 14 months (July 2002-August 2003) in the Middle East during the kick-off and main portion of "Operation Enduring Freedom." After returning to the United States I requested to be stationed at Fort Richardson, Alaska near my hometown of Eagle River. I was granted my request. Lyssa Bree McBride was born Feb. 6, 2004. She was 8 pounds, 12 ounces and over 22 inches long. She is now 7 months old. I've been home just over a year. I received a call last week from my assignment manager, who told me to prepare and to get ready to "pack my bags" that I was going to either Iraq or Afghanistan next Febuary. I was supposed to be stationed in Alaska till 2006.

Today's Quote

What counts is not necessarily the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog.

-Dwight D. Eisenhower

Sunday, May 29, 2005

The family trip to Jet to visit today.....

Jake took pics of their trip to the farm today. Heather, Andrew and Madison went along with Mom and Jake, in my place.. our little car didn't have room for me.... too.. which is ok..
Here's the link of their trip, and visit with Aunt Mert at Jet.

Welcome - Our Moffat Family Blog

T'was a wonderful time, and I am so full of BBQ.. haha.. Tammy and I served as judges at the Meat In the Middle BBQ Cookoff in Perkins Saturday, May 28, 2005. We got to sample the wears of 33 different professional cookers.. wow... more later.. This is the link to the photos from the day... Be safe and have a great holiday weekend...

Now here is a youngster who knows how to rope. Click to enlarge and check out the way he holds the rope, his lope and how he is throwing it, but most importantly, check out the facial expression.. now is that serious or not??? Enjoy the holiday....  Posted by Hello

Saturday, May 28, 2005

Today's Quote

Great opportunities to help others seldom come, but small ones surround us every day.

-Sally Koch

Friday, May 27, 2005

Whew.. a big bad warrior came to see Grandma and I last night.. haha.. We had a good evening. Austyn played and played. He is here today, and is busy waiting on Jake to get in from his first job of the day, so they can play before Jake has to go to his second job. He and Grandma are outside digging up the weeds in the yard today. It's a nice day for that. Phil and Tammy had a nice time at BB King's show in OKC ... Tomorrow is the BBQ cook off in Perkins, and I think we might head down to it.. if I can get my websites up and going.. haha..  Posted by Hello

Today's Quote

A gentle hand may lead an elephant with a single hair.

-Persian proverb

Thursday, May 26, 2005

A Memorial Day Poem

He would have been a pitcher
Playing baseball as a pro
He’d have thrown against the Yankees
Striking out fourteen in a row
Life would have been good to him
Making his living in the sun
Had the torpedo not found its mark
In December of 1941

He’d have been a very good dentist
A loving father and faithful spouse
He’d have loved to golf on weekends
And to putter around the house
His kids would have asked for peanuts
When he took them to the zoo
Had his plane not been shot down
In October of 1942

She would have been a terrific mom
To four girls and three boys
She’d have had a home in Eagle Rock
Filled with sounds of playful noise
She’d have loved and been loved
She’d have known joy and glee
Had the hospital not been bombed
In May of 1943

He’d have been a great salesman
With shined shoes and a smile
He’d have made his company a fortune
Once he’d been there for a while
Customers would have welcomed him
When he walked in the door
Had the bullet not pierced his heart
In June of 1944

He would have been a grandpa
With children on his lap
Telling stories of the old times
Before taking an afternoon nap
He’d have been a prime example
Of the joy to be alive
Had his “Victory” ship not been blown to bits
In August of 1945

These Americans didn’t go to war
With thoughts of how to die
Freedom was their sole pursuit
And “life” their battle cry
But when freedom was at risk
And Americans heard the call
They risked their lives and fortunes
And sometimes lost it all
From every walk of life they came
To pay our freedom’s price
No matter what they might have been
They made the greatest sacrifice
God bless you great Americans
On this thirtieth day of May
We decorate your graves with flags
On this Memorial Day.

-Ed Riffle

Here is what was in the Perkins Journal last week about the upcoming "Cookoff" that will be in Perkins this Saturday... hummmm this might just be the place to be, huh?? Posted by Hello

The fronts coming.. this looks like a fall sky.. instead of late May. Notice the windrow of clouds on the bottom.. .... no rain, but lots of pretty clouds... Posted by Hello

Do you have your renters insurance paid up? or homeowners paid... ?? One never knows when something like this can happen... this is whats left of our neighbors home. It is very unusual to find anything left in a mobile home fire... but thanks to Perkins Fire Dept., the Iowa Tribe Fire Dept. and the Stillwater Fire Dept. there is something left.. plus there are many of Stillwater's full time fire fighters that are neighbors .. I think that around us and to the east in the 3 square miles there are 6 to be exact... enjoy the day! Posted by Hello

Lots of things going on lately..

Last evening a neighbor to the east lost their mobile home to fire, so there was lots of smoke in our yard, as wind was from the east. Don't know anymore about it this am. We do know someone was hurt, as the ambulance made a run back to town with lights and sirens going. They are in our prayers.

I went over to take a few pics, but it was to early and light was bad, but the home looked intact, but the windows were gone and you could see where the fire came out the windows in the east end of the home.

We ran over to Paul's and by Phil's last night to deliver webcams for them to get online and hopefully now we can see and talk with each other more often, stay in touch more, as the kiddos grow up.. and we grow older.. haha... I think now I need to buy some sort of software that will allow us to hook up with audio and video, however. Seems it never ends.
Can you imagine living 100 years ago, without the things we take forgranted today? wow!

Mom has been building fence at her place for about a month it seems. You know Mom. haha. yelp.. had to save a dollar.. but this time she spent a bit more. She now has a GOAT fence on the west side of her pasture next to her hay fields. For those in the city, most fences of barbed wire are 4 wire, maybe five inside and the outer fences are 5 wire maybe six if you have goats.. haha.. Mom built a 6 wire internal fence and now she can run goats!! Needless to say, the neighbors are laughing and "kidding" about it. Instead of getting a professional crew to do it in 4 days she found through another person, an individual to do it who is older than I am, and you probably can guess the rest of the story. The professional crew would have built the 1/2 mile of fence for a dollar a foot, and a guarantee to be done in 4 days. Mom's worked a month, still is, and has had to help her "hand" do it and I bet it cost her more than that... with no guarantee... oh the things we do to save money... my Dad would have said!!

Phil is still at his old job. He was given a raise and things seem to be getting better, with a bit less stress. He now has a family blog too, which is linked on this page. You need to check it out, as well as Jonathan's and Heather's blogs.. I should have typed RANDI'S BlOG, as she, according to Jon, in now in charge of it! She updated it day before yesterday too.. FINALLY... haha , no slack Randi.. haha.. this used to be updated more, but work has taken me away from it a little bit, too.
Now back to Phil. He has a great garden this summer and you should see the wonderful flowers around their home this summer too. I am sure there will be pictures soon online, either from him or I ... I mean lots of cool, cool flowers.

Randi and Jon and Kaitlyn came up last Saturday, and we had a great visit. Down time for Jon who is really being pushed at work to meet some hard deadlines very soon, and really coming up fast. He too has received a promotion of sorts, and now is like assistant king in web development for his firm. Now he gets the big bucks! haha... Yeah right.

Jon Randi Heather Kaitlyn Madison Ann and I hooked up and got to see each other with the webcams last night, which was kinda cool. Kaitlyn was really active and Madison had the yawns... kind of bored with it all...

Jake is doing what he needs to do this am. Working two jobs and helping Ann and I and his Grandmother, he is beat and with the chance of showers this am, he is getting to sleep in. His back has been bothering him lately, so he needs to stretch out and rest in his new bed.

Yesterday, Jake received a "special tour" and met with the welding instructor at Meridian Tech. in Stillwater. His boss, Fred Shultz, owner of the Shultz Ranch, was the Supt. there and actually sort of built the school over the years. He recently retired, and has been after Jake to go learn to weld. .. Well, it seems Jake tried to check out MT, but they kind of gave him the run around... so Jake was checking into Tulsa Welding School, and told Fred this. So Fred took hold of things, and needless to say, when Fred does take hold, things get done, so MT called Jake and asked him to come in for a special tour, and of course, Fred was there and it went "very well" Jake reports, haha.. I bet it did!!

I think some of our family will be going with Ann up to Jet this weekend to the cemetery there where her folks are buried. Jake informed me he was taking Mom, and I think Heather and kids may go along.
As many of you know, the cemetery here where Amanda and Dad are buried is in receivership. Not sure what is going to happen, but it does not look bad at the present time. There are lots of old mainstream families who will help see to that. And of course there are lots of families very mad over this deal happening, but not at the caretakers there now who have been doing it out of their pocket... too.

Ann is going to watch Austyn tonight, tomorrow and maybe .. yelp, now on Saturday too.. That will be cool. We love when Austyn gets to come over. Phil and Tammy get to go to OKC and watch Bo Diddly tonight, and Tammy is in training tomorrow... and Phil just called and Perkins is having a big "barbecue" cook off this weekend, with the top cookers from two big national groups cooking off there, and they needed one more judge, and barbecue has stepped up to the challenge! Now that's cool!!

Not sure if we get to see Kaitlyn this weekend or not. Maybe as a family we might get to have a picnic together on Monday, but time will tell!!

Well, this book is coming to a close.. Enjoy the day!

Paul and the other ladies of Blankinship Farm. Notice all the babies. They have had a bunch this spring. I think they are at about 50 head of Boer Goats. We are so proud of their endeavor in this venture. And of course a bit more proud of their kiddos...and them! haha....  Posted by Hello

Here's a pic of Mom and Madison Ann eating dinner last evening...  Posted by Hello

Her daddy had bought her first pair of shoes yesterday, and he is holding the size 1 shoes up to her feet, to see how much tooooooo big they are.. haha, we had no idea! Such a small bundle of pure JOY! Posted by Hello

Grandma Moffat and I ran over to Paul and Heather and Andrew and Madison's last evening to set up a webcam, so we can see the "new lady" in action more, course we picked up some pizza.. and we walked in and Grandma took Madison, and you can see the rest of the story...haha.. not really. She was in just a 'mood' like her Mom has .. once in a while.. haha.. but things got better quick.. As you can see, she is the apple of her grandmother's eye right now...  Posted by Hello

A cold front moved through this am... lots of low clouds and very little rain... Posted by Hello

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Paul's nannies heading to the barn at supper time! He's got a good crop of babies.. lots of twins and a set of triplets.  Posted by Hello

Believe it or not, Andrew is still in love with his little sis! He's very protective.  Posted by Hello

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

On their way to the sale ring.. Posted by Hello

Things move fast at the Perkins Livestock Sales Goat and Sheep Auction. This was a set of nice nannies.  Posted by Hello

Col. Bob Priess at work selling the goats..  Posted by Hello

Entrance to the Perkins Livestock Sales south on Mom's farm on Highway 33. I am working on a website for them... This was Goat and Sheep Sale Day. Posted by Hello

Jake's painting the new fence on the Shultz Ranch this spring and summer. This is looking south down Western. Mom's drive is on the hilltop and to the right. Posted by Hello

The original homestead home. Built with green lumber they sawed from a creek not to far away. 11 kids and parents lived here at turn of the 20th century.. can you imagine? Posted by Hello

The barn on the farm where the auction was.. lots of antiques at this estate sale...  Posted by Hello

There is two things of interest in this photo. The young lady in orange is mother of girl in wagon who is granddaughter of man to her left in hat who is father of young man in front who is boss of the deal and the auctioneer on the right is not a family member, but is a family friend! This is the Pickens family of Stillwater, and the auctioneer is Bob Priess, who is the father of a couple of young kiddos who showed cattle when our kids did...

And the rest of the story... haha,
If I had been on my toes and had thought about how to load it, I would have bought this wagon to bring home and take the grand kids for rides.. but I could not figure out how to load it! I did have my flatbed, so could have hauled it.. oh well, maybe next time.. ahaha.. it brings 240.00 dollars.  Posted by Hello

This young man was one of the first I saw who couldn't wait to see what all of the treasures were in the box of "stuff" he bought for a dollar bill! He ran away from the crowd down by a light poll and set it down and went to tearing through his treasure chest...  Posted by Hello

On the way to an auction last weekend, I saw these young ladies against the fence, the wind was from the south and they were against the south fence, and it was hot at 10am! Posted by Hello

Welcome - Our Moffat Family Blog

Today's Quote

If you don't have the time to do something right, where are you going to find the time to fix it?

-Stephen King (submitted by ivyb2000)

Monday, May 23, 2005

Welcome - Our Moffat Family Blog

Heather's blog is now located at http://www.reddirtdiaries.com. Be sure to change you bookmarks or you will go to the old site that will not be updated..... We had to change to help her get pics on her blog...


Sunday, May 22, 2005

Today's Quote

[Some people] have a wonderful capacity to appreciate again and again, freshly and naively, the basic goods of life, with awe, pleasure, wonder, and even ecstasy.

-A.H. Maslow

Today's Quote

Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.


Dick Rogers Retires From Payne County Bank, Perkins Posted by Hello

Saturday, May 21, 2005

Today's Quote

Hope is like a road in the country; there wasn’t ever a road, but when many people walk on it, the road comes into existence.

-Lin Yutang

Welcome - Our Moffat Family Blog

Hi guys.. ever wonder what the exact name of this blog is.. well, we just made it easier.... to remember...

just go to stanmoffat.com... that's stan moffat dot com. all one word....

stanmoffat.com is this place on the web.

Now how easy is that.. haha.. later. stan

Friday, May 20, 2005


quick update. Just read that Tammy is home sick, wow.. and Ann is on her way to get meds for Heather, who is having a problem health wise today too.. Ann will stay with Heather while Paul plays in his ball game this evening. Sure hope everyone gets better fast! I did hear that Jon and Randi and Kaitlyn are coming up tomorrow.. that will be cool, too...

all I know for now..

later.. enjoy the day!

Well, guess I will be retiring from this ole blogging bout the family!

Well, guess I will be retiring from this ole blogging bout the family! And that's cool.
As of yesterday, all three of the kiddos, Phillip, Heather, and Jonathan have their own blogs on line, and they do a good job with them keeping us all informed on what's happening round their places... How cool!
Heard thru the grapevine that Super Uncle Ivan and Aunt Freda are going to be visiting with Mom today. Jake is painting still on the Shultz Ranch fence across the road from Mom's, and working his second and third jobs... Heather and Paul are doing ok.. and so is Phil and Tammy...
The old Case tractor, that the front end fell off of, is now mobil again and about ready to make it's way back to the house.. pics later. haha...
The Shultz Ranch, who's tractor Jake was driving when the pickup clipped him as he turned and overturned it and the mower, has purchased a new, NEW, John Deere... Jake says it's a cadalliac!! compared to old massey tractor..haha..

Welp.. all for now.

have a great day.. Be sure and stop by the kid's blogs to see what they been up to...

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Lookie here folks.. 50 years of marriage.. wow... haha.. My hat's off to you guys.. What a deal. Hope you have another 50!  Posted by Hello

Today's Quote

When you dig another out of their troubles, you find a place to bury your own.


Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Welcome - Our Moffat Family Blog

New pics online of Andrew Paul, Madison Ann and the "kids" on the farm of Paul and Heather... Enjoy. I didn't have the right flash and the new flash is too strong I guess, so please forgive the pic quality...

later. s

Enjoy the day!

the pics are loading right now. it's 2:20pm so wait about 30 mins.. please..

From Uncle Ivan.. Agree or Delete...

Agree or Delete

This is by a daughter of a murdered couple in Raytown, Missouri, who had a Bible and Bookstore on 63rd street. Just one more example:

When I had to testify at the murder trial of my parents a week ago, I was asked to raise my right hand. The bailiff started out "Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth?"

I stood there and waited but she said nothing. She said "Do you?" I was so stunned I blurted out "What happened to 'so help me God'?" She came back with "Do you?" I replied yes, but I was perplexed. Then the judge said "you can say that if you want to." I stopped, raised my right hand, and finished with "So help me God!" I told my son and daughter that when it came time for them to testify, they should do the same. It's no wonder we have so many problems in this country. If I'd had my wits about me I'd have told them that taking God out of the courtroom is only going to result in more criminals and murderers like him being in there! I don't know what can be done about it, but it's time we stepped up and did something.

CNBC this morning had a poll on this question. They had the highest number of responses that they have ever had for one of their polls and the percentage was the same as this: 86% to keep the words, 14% against. That is a pretty commanding public response.

I was asked to send this on if I agreed or delete if I didn't. Now it is your turn... It is said that 86% of Americans believe in God. Therefore I have a v very hard time understanding why there is such a mess about having "In God We Trust" on our money and having God in the Pledge of Allegiance. Why don't we just tell the 14% to Sit Down and SHUT UP!!!

If you agree, pass this on, if not simply delete.

Today's Quote

Today's Quote

It isn’t hard to be good from time to time. What’s tough is being good every day.

-Willie Mays

Welcome - Our Moffat Family Blog

Heather has new entry in her Red Dirt Diaries this am.. be sure and check it out. I have new pics I will get online later in the day. I have a new website I have to look at and see about taking on, and a yuck... dentist appointment... yuck... this am.. so after lunch on the pics I bet..

Paul ran Heather to emergency room last night. She was having some problems, but they sent her home.. and we have not heard different so think she is ok this am... Ann and I had taken supper over there to eat with them and was going to take the 2cent tour.. you know, kids, and "kids" tour.. we stayed with kiddos and kids while they ran to emergency.. glad it worked out like it did.

All I know for now.. I think Jon might add some new things after he gets past his big deadline at work with getting new site online for his work... IT has been one of the biggest task of his life, and he ... of course, he's a Moffat, he is meeting the challenge, haha!!



Tuesday, May 17, 2005

From Super Uncle Ivan...

Dear Sir:
> I am writing to thank you for bouncing my check with
> which I endeavored to pay my plumber last month. By
> my calculations, three nanoseconds must have elapsed
> between his presenting the check and the arrival in
> my account of the funds needed to honor it. I refer,
> of course, to the automatic monthly deposit of my
> entire pension, an arrangement which, I admit, has
> been in place for only eight years.
> You are to be commended for seizing that brief
> window of opportunity, and also for debiting my
> account $30 by way of penalty for the inconvenience
> caused to your bank.
> My thankfulness springs from the manner in which
> this incident has caused me to rethink my errant
> financial ways. I noticed that whereas I personally
> attend to your telephone calls and letters, when I
> try to contact you, I am confronted by the
> impersonal, overcharging, prerecorded, faceless
> entity which your bank has become.
> >From now on, I, like you, choose only to deal with
> a flesh-and-blood person. My mortgage and loan
> repayments will therefore and hereafter no longer be
> automatic, but will arrive at your bank, by check,
> addressed personally and confidentially to an
> employee at your bank whom you must nominate. Be
> aware that it is an offense under the Postal Act for
> any other person to open or destroy such an
> envelope.
> Please find attached an Application Contact Status
> which I require your chosen employee to complete. I
> am sorry it runs to eight pages, but in order that I
> know as much about him or her as your bank knows
> about me, there is no alternative.
> Please note that all copies of his or her medical
> history must be countersigned by a Notary Public,
> and the mandatory details of his/her financial
> situation (income, debts, assets and liabilities)
> must be accompanied by documented proof.
> In due course, I will issue your employee with a PIN
> number which he/she must quote in dealings with me.
> I regret that it cannot be shorter than 28 digits
> but, again, I have modeled it on the number of
> button presses required of me to access my account
> balance on your phone bank service.
> As they say, imitation is the sincerest form of
> flattery. Let me level the playing field even
> further. When you call me, press buttons as follows:
> 1. To make an appointment to see me.
> 2. To query a missing payment.
> 3. To transfer the call to my living room in case I
> am there.
> 4. To transfer the call to my bedroom in case I am
> sleeping.
> 5. To transfer the call to my toilet in case I am
> attending to nature.
> 6. To transfer the call to my mobile phone if I am
> not at home.
> 7. To leave a message on my computer, a password to
> access my computer is required. Password will be
> communicated to you at a later date to the
> Authorized Contact.
> 8. To return to the main menu and to listen to
> options 1 through 7
> 9. To make a general complaint or inquiry. The
> contact will then be put on hold, pending the
> attention of my automated answering service.
> While this may, on occasion, involve a lengthy wait,
> uplifting music will play for the duration of the
> call.
> Regrettably, but again following your example, I
> must also levy an establishment fee to cover the
> setting up of this new arrangement.
> May I wish you a happy, if ever so slightly less
> prosperous New Year.
> Your Humble Client
> (Remember: This was written by a 96 year old woman.
> Pretty clever person.)

Have a "luv"ly day.

just me!

Sunday, May 15, 2005

Lookie here who came to see us today... Yelp, ole Andrew and Madison Ann... and their mom, how cool!! Posted by Hello