Tuesday, September 28, 2004

got to remember to put the last pic up first.. haha.. this was the end to a great day!

Oh.. got to share this one with ya.. Sunset on the Moffat Farm, Perkins, Oklahoma, this evening at about 7:43pm. I was south of Mom's home, about a quarter mile... between the trees, not able to see it, is a pond... I missed the best shot, due to actually trying to get the hay baled... haha... love to all... pray for the folks in Florida... and remember those who are fightning our war in Iraq... and those who paid the ultimate price with their lives, may God bless their family's........... and may God Bless us one and all!
(photo by stan click to enlarge)

Yesterday was an OK day... I mowed the hay field south of Grandma Moffat's home on Monday, and got Jake to help me put it up yesterday! He raked, you can see him coming in the background and I baled... inbetween taking pics...haha.. This field is bermuda grass, and this is the second time we put it up this year. First time it made 96 big round bales.. 5' by 5'. So far today, about 2/3 of way done and it has made another 45. This is a lot considering that with the drought the last three summers, this field had not been put up at all. I worked it this spring, and like a gardener who wants to work his garden up and plant things and guess what grows... yelp, bermuda grass... haha. Actually, Dad and I thought if I worked it up it might be good for the field, and when on the day I broke the ground up in March, the hawks came by the hundreds, red tails... looking for grubs..and they had a feast! It was unbelievable. I think all the hawks in the world came out that day!!! Anyway, wanted to share what Jake and I been doing. Jake is in training for the herdman position at the Shultz Ranch, and Dr. Shultz is away on vacation this week, so Jake runs over and takes care of things there, and then comes back over across the road and helps me, too!... Then, we both get to eat with Grandma at noon, kinda nice too!! Will get more pics up when we get the hay done... still have one field to cut, about another 25 acres and then we will be thru for the fall, I think, and hope! Later... Oh, great to hear from niece Cortney, will post a note about her NOTE ... before long.. she is OK!!!
(photo by stan click to enlarge)