Yesterday, Kevin Walker Welding loaded out two semi's like this one... 4 sets of truck scales... two to Calif. and two to Neb..... amazing....
this loaded was leaving Stillwater last evening at 6pm and scheduled to unload on West Coast 6-8 pm tonight for first stop. The driver of this rig was from Utah and told me that in the last 7 days he had been in Canada, Mexico and on both coasts... and now headed back.... young man, who said the USA is a very small country when you start driving a big rig... I bet... wow... and think Diesel is 4.00 a gallon and most get 5 to 8 miles to gallon... his truck held 1200 gallons ... that is $4800.00 to "fill'er up"! that's more than I make in a year....