Sunday, September 19, 2004

Another pics of the villians.... haha....

Couple of pics from last summer regarding grasshoppers... Dad and Mom have had their share of them.
photo by stan click on photo to enlarge

Cindy, I know these photos are not even close to yours, but it does show how they will even eat the bark off of a tree... the wild side... haha!! We had the little fellows so bad this summer that the ground would be yellow with them as I followed the rake, baling hay in round bales. They would jump from the window row in a "cloud" of yellow and land and the yellow ground would "move".
I just wanted to share our Oklahoma fellows with you as I know of your interest in Nature and insects...etc. through your blog, Bug Jar Diaries. Thanks also for your kind words to our family... We truly appreciate them very much. s

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