Monday, February 21, 2005

Update on Austyn......

Tammy just called and Austyn is find today. They did not have school today with this being Presidents Day, so they both were home. Tammy reports that Austyn fell asleep on the couch last night, they carried him to bed and he woke up two times during the night. Then upon waking up, he ate not one, not two, but three bowls of cereal, and then.. and then.. he takes after his grandpa, a bag of popcorn!!! She said he has been ok all day long and doing great! Just wanted to let everyone know..

Great grandma Moffat went to the hearing doctor this afternoon at 1:30 to get her new hearing aids. She still swears she does not need them, but I believe most of the family, after visiting with her yesterday, agrees with the Doctor, and they are really glad she is getting them, and can't wait to see how well they work~~!

Jake is off to work this afternoon, and is really enjoying his work. He gets his first two week pay check next monday, and is really looking forward to that too!!

I think that is all the news for now... enjoy the day!

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