Friday, April 15, 2005

Our phones lines are down, or something.. we have no phone

and yes, Ann paid the bill!! haha...

She last talked with Jon about tomorrow and I wanted to call and let Phil know and ............... no dial tone..
so tomorrow, roud about 5 -530pm dinner with Jon and Randi and Kaitlyn at our home. Cook out.. bring whatever you wish to, or nothing at all... up to you...

They will come up in around noon and Jon is taking Randi to Joespi's for lunch.. then back here after a bit of shopping and ready to eat bout 5pm. or so...

who ever wants to may join us. Ann says there will be hamburgers on the grill, so I need to get propane for the grill, huh.. haha..

later.. sorry about the phone..


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