In every instance in life... there seems to be only one way, one side to every story, etc... but in reality, there are many more sides, and many more ways... The bad storm was predicted for days... and then for hours on the tv.... this afternoon, and in the end, we recieved some awesome rain that was truly needed, and even in the darkest hours, the skies, heaven, provided some great great great shows... of strength, power, softness, gentleness, and wonder. The lowering at the right just past center, was like God's light shining down showing that everything was ok and would be ok.... Isn't it amazing how soft it looks.. how lite up it was... in all the darkness... I took many photos of the awesome windroll that came across and will post tomorrow, along with a short video of the wonders of the God at work... for those who live in the city... to view. We are richly blessed with wide open spaces west of our home and we get great views of things coming at us... whether we want to see it or not... haha.. have a great evening.. enjoy!

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