Thursday, September 01, 2005

Welcome - Our Moffat Family Blog

Here is a new IMAX MOVIE 3D trailer and info for you all... walking on the moon is name of movie

"NASA, Lockheed Martin, and Tom Hanks are making an IMAX 3D movie about the Apollo moon landings to give viewers something like the actual experience of being on the moon. Complete with actors playing astronauts, mockups of the Lunar Excursion Module, and fake moon surface, this looks to be a real kick. The website for the movie itself is all shockwave, but it contains some nice behind-the-scenes photos of the production. Here's a Quicktime trailer. All you lunar hoax conspiracy theorists out there can just consider this the remake, with 2005-class special effects."

for our movie buffs... bet this will be a neat experience!!

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